The following are letters of intent from the Classes 2019, 2020, and 2021 to join the 68th Student Congress. Elections are Tuesday, September 19 and Wednesday, September 20 on Sakai.
Class of 2019
Micaela Braun (2019 Class VP)
To the Class of 2019:
I am writing to state my intention of running for Vice President of the Class of 2019. I look forward to our junior and senior years together and I would relish the opportunity to serve our class. We share the desire to have a successful two years while maintaining Providence’s standard of excellence for future classes. I am open to new ideas and I hope you will share yours with me so that the President and I can work together to represent our class. I have excellent communication skills which will allow me to work well with our class President, with the student body, with student congress and finally, with our school administration.
If elected Vice President, this would not be my first leadership role. During high school, I was the Captain of both the crew team and the ski team. I was also the President of Habitat for Humanity for two years. Despite my past accomplishments, Providence has not failed to present challenges; challenges for which I am grateful. They have helped me grow and they have further taught me the importance of work ethic, perseverance, and diplomacy. I value Providence’s sense of community, equality, and academic excellence. I am aware of our class’ concerns and needs. I will do everything in my power to advocate for you.
I humbly ask for your support as Vice President for our class.
Micaela Braun
Kristen Colabatistto (2019 Class VP)
I’m Kristen Colabatistto and I am currently a Committee Member in Providence College’s Student Congress. I’ve been a committee member since freshman year and have loved everything about Student Congress thus far. Unfortunately, as a committee member I am not granted certain responsibilities such as presenting and voting on legislation. For example, last year, when I created legislation about student housing, I needed an elected member to present on my behalf. After a couple of years of experience on Congress I would love to finally gain these responsibilities and have more of a significant role in the club. As Vice President of the class of 2019 my goal for the year would be to initiate more pieces of legislation. I think one of the most important parts of our time here at PC is to make our voices heard and leave an imprint before graduating. I want our class to return for Alumni weekend and be able to tell the undergrads that we were the ones who started a tradition like Friarball or Late Night Madness. I think as an elected member, rather than a committee member, I’ll have a better opportunity to help us do that.
Sara Jean-Francois (2019 Class Secretary)
To Whom This May Concern,
I am interested in running fro student congress because I feel as if I am in a perfect positon to change many of the things I have observed hold PC students back from achieving their fullest potential. As a member of BMSA, WE Empowered, the Multicultural Scholarship Program board, and various other clubs, I have been a students, an advisor, and a leader. These positons have allowed me not only to learn a lot about myself, ranging from personal traits to how to work well with people you disagree with, but to also learn about the PC community as a whole. We live in a political environment where two diametrically different view points are being pushed and probed. As a student body Providence College is not much different, socially as well as politically. As a student leader on this campus, I believe I have the will and the motivation to create real social change on this campus, using congress, BMSA, and my positon in various clubs, this will all start with the class of 2019, but I hope this change will also start more formally in the 68th.
Brendan Baehl (2019 Class Rep)
Hi, my name is Brendan Baehl and I am running for class representative. I would like to get more involved here at Providence College and I feel like one of the best ways to do that is to take part in Student Congress. A role in Student Congress is a great way to play a more influential role on PC’s campus. I think that if was elected to this position I would be able relay students’ ideas to Congress, as well as share my own ideas with the committees. By creating this relationship with the committees, I will be able to form a tighter bond between the classes and the committees. I have had experience connecting directly with students during my two years as an RA in Fennell and in Guzman. Both of these residence halls gave me the opportunity to work with upperclassmen as well as freshmen. Student Congress is one step further in making an impact at PC and I hope I have the opportunity to serve as a class representative.
Samantha Morley (2019 Class Rep)
My name is Samantha Morley and I am a junior here at Providence College. I am writing in hopes to pursue the position of Student Congress representative for my class. I am interested in running for this position for several reasons. I heard about this organization my freshman year when my roommate, Isabella McCann, became involved. During the time I did not get myself involved in clubs or organizations, as I was still adjusting to being new in college. However, after watching my roommate and friends earn so much out of Student Congress, I am wishing that I applied earlier.
Throughout high school, I was the Class Treasurer for four years, a school ambassador, as well as other club representatives. Therefore, I have great experience of being involved and over the years I have learned what it takes to be a leader to other students. I would like to help Providence College Student Congress because there are several student needs that I feel need to be addressed and made heard. Committees like the Student Life Committee is an example of how students can express their concerns and as a representative, I will help get the points across to others.
Class of 2020
Julia Gaffney (2020 Class VP)
Dear Student Congress Officials and Providence College Class of 2020,
My name is Julia Gaffney, and I am running for Vice President of the Class of 2020. I have been on Congress for one full year, last year as a Class Representative. I can easily say that running for Class Rep last fall was the best decision that I have made thus far at PC. Congress is an incredible organization in which I have been able to voice my opinions and have an active role in bringing about change for our Class of 2020 and our PC community. I want to further my involvement as a member of Student Congress because I enjoy taking on positions of leadership, and I take pride in being a voice for our class. I have found a family in Congress, and it is because of my great love for this club that I would like the opportunity to continue to serve as a Vice President and grow as a leader of my school. I believe that both the individual leaders in the organization and the Congress as a whole represent what it means to be an active student at PC. It is because of this that I hope to continue to be a voice for the students through my involvement with Student Congress, and to have more of a leadership role as Vice President.
Class of 2021
Nolan Greene (2021 Class President)
Class of 2021,
My name is Nolan Greene and it would be my distinct honor to serve as your Freshman Class President. In high school, I served all four years on student congress, and would be humbled to be given the opportunity to continue creating positive changes in our new home.
I am confident that I have the leadership qualities that one needs in order to hold out the duties of this office. Being a natural leader means that I will keep Congress as a working team to promote opportunities and change that will better our future in Friartown. I have the skills to reach out to the student body, ensuring that I am getting appropriate feedback on work that needs to be done.
If elected, I believe that it is my responsibility to create the change that we want. I’m sure many of you have already realized a lack of water fountains in the most important places or the discontent with the toiletries around campus. Let’s ensure you’re getting your tuitions worth, and make our new home a better place!
These are supposed to be the best years of our life after all so let’s make them that way!
Emily Powers (2021 Class President)
Hi everyone! My name is EmilyPowers and I am very excited to announce my campaign for Freshman Class President. I was extremely involved in high school through field hockey, numerous clubs, volunteering at an animal shelter every week and holding a part time job. This speaks to my ability to balance many different things and still get the job done. I would love to continue being an active member of my class in here at PC-I’ve already made my mark along with many other freshmen by participating in Urban Action. I believe that it is diverse personalities and interests that make a class special. As president I would help strengthen Friartown by encouraging every member of the freshman class to unapologetically be themselves, whether that means pursuing their interests or voicing any and every opinion and concern to me. I would consider the diverse class that we have and make sure everyone’s unique needs are catered to. I would make it my top priority to ensure that the freshman voices are not lost among the PC community because I want Providence to feel like home to everyone.
Emili Castro (2021 Class President)
Originally born in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, I’ve moved around quite a bit: from Tripoli, Libya, to Madrid, Spain, embracing, understanding, and taking in different cultures has become enjoyable for me. I’ve participated, chaired, and organized Model United Nations conferences. The latter, specifically, has bred in me a passion to speak up, not only for myself, but also specifically for those who cannot. So what are my intentions? They stem from my beliefs:
I believe in a unified community; one that understands differences yet celebrates diversity and character. Including those around me, as well as taking in differing perspectives and experiences is always a priority.
I believe in humanity; the type that shines through our actions.
I believe in empathy; the kind that creates common ground.
I believe in acknowledging the importance of each one of us as individuals.
Why am I running for president for the Class of 2021? I want to spread the kindness, the empathy; I want to acknowledge you.
Mallory Pletzer (2021 Class President)
I am writing to advise you of my intention to run for President of the Class of 2021. I have had a number of previous leadership experience ranging from being the Vice President of my High Schools SGA, class treasurer, and treasurer of the Interact Club. Not only this but I have been an active member of numerous clubs along with volunteer organizations like Relay for Life, the Animal Welfare League, etc. I have had a job since I was 13 and became the junior manager at my most recent workplace where I then made the schedule, hired, fired, and organized daily activity. I have become accustomed to having a large amount of responsibility on my shoulders and feel that is when I work most efficiently. On top of that I am also an active participant in athletics and devote much of my attention to assuring my academics are at their best. Having the opportunity to run for this position is an honor in itself and I do not take it lightly. Thank you!
Lianne Hipolito (2021 Class President)
I love fried chicken, and I like to dab. I’m a songwriter, and hopefully a future doctor. Normally, these facts wouldn’t be of importance in terms of running for Student Congress, and normally shouldn’t be included in a formal letter of intent. But these are significant in that they are only few of my traits that I believe help make me fit for a class office position, more specifically Freshmen Class President. My uniqueness and different characteristics make me approachable by others and help me have a wider perspective on things and situations. I am enthusiastic to meet all kinds of people through being a part of the Student Congress and to use what I learn from those encounters and all of my experiences to make decisions on behalf of the freshmen class, and hopefully of the PC community as a whole. Through my leadership, individuality, and open mindedness, I aspire to unify my class, bringing ideas to the Student Congress and thus help make the PC experience as fulfilling as it can be.
Thank you and best regards,
Lianne Marelle Hipolito
Kevin Michels (2021 Class VP)
Hello Class of 2021!
My name is Kevin Michels and I am running for the Vice President position in our class. It would be an honor and a privilege to dedicate my time and efforts to ensuring future success of the Freshman Class and to help strengthen the bonds that we have so quickly began to form as Friars. I hope to address the diverse needs and desires present in our developing family by bringing to light the opinions of students and working with the other members of Congress to find solutions. As a member of Campus Ministry, I Cantori, the Accounting Association, and a Capella, I realize the equal value of each different club and organization and will strive to make sure all clubs are appropriately funded and supported to allow for people to express themselves and utilize their talents. With a full four years left at PC and the willingness to take advantage of endless opportunities to invoke positive change, I thank you for considering me as a candidate for the Class of 2021’s Vice President position! GO FRIARS!
Chip Schroder (2021 Class VP)
At first glance, the name “Chip Schroder” does not emit the most professional vibe. Who wants to be governed by an individual who possesses the same first name as a deep fried potato, topped off with a last name that reflects that of the piano player from CharlesSchulz’s Peanuts?
To extinguish anyone’s curiosity, my real name is actually Charles, but I will not dwell on my title – after all, it matters not what we are called, but rather how we act; just as it matters not where we come from, but where we end up. I say this because many know me as “The California Kid”, when in fact I heil from Pennsylvania; however, Providence College is my home now, and that is all that matters in my mind. I would say that I view my fellow Friars as my second family, but that is a blatant lie – I dare say that in the short time I have spent here at PC, the Providence community has instead grown to be my first family. I want to show Friartown as much love as possible, which is why I intend to run for Vice President of the class of 2021.
Paul Heffernan (2021 Class VP)
The reason I am running for vice president of the Class of 2021 is because I can help make our thriving community stronger than it already is. Although I have only been here for a few weeks, I can already sense the strong bond and friendship that every student at Providence College shares. Throughout my life, I have always worked hard to listen to other people and do the best I can to help them with whatever they need. In high school, I enjoyed organizing events to build school pride and I know that I can help do that here at Providence. I love meeting new people within our community every day, and hearing about their unique backgrounds and perspectives. Therefore, if I am elected vice president of our class, I promise to talk to as many people as possible to hear their concerns and work with them to find a solution that works for everyone. Thank you to all who helped nominate me for this position; I really appreciate the opportunity to become a part of making Providence College a better place for everyone in the future.
Kathleen Gregory (2021 Class VP)
I’m Kathleen Gregory and I would be honored to be the Class of 2021 Vice President. I love getting involved and being part of the changes that happen around campus. In high school I was the president of my Interact Community service club, the captain of my tennis team, and the Student Body President. I hope you will consider voting for me in the upcoming election.
Chloe Jensen (2021 Class Secretary)
My name is Chloe Jensen and I believe I am extremely prepared to serve on behalf of my class of 2021 in the PC Congress. I was heavily involved in my high school’s student government all four years. Junior year I was elected Speaker of the House, where I was able to utilize my communication skills to lead the meetings and settle disputes between committees. Senior year I was elected class president, where I was able to enhance my leadership and organization skills through effective people management. I really enjoyed working with students and faculty at all levels, and am excited to begin a new journey of building relationships and connections through PC Congress. With my past internship experience working under a marketing director at a local hotel in Vermont, I learned efficient ways of bringing forth new ideas to the table, and providing the business with fresh perspectives on plans. I hope to bring forth that same knowledge and creativity with PC Congress as the class of 2021’s Secretary.
Alison Cook (2021 Class Treasurer)
I hope to be the treasurer for the class of 2021 because I am very dedicated to improving the finances of our class. I cannot wait to begin brainstorming new, successful fundraisers to raise money for our grade. Having experience from being on boards of clubs in high school, I am looking forward to working with my classmates and beyond to best represent the Class of 2021.
Olivia Anderson (2021 Class Rep)
My name is Olivia Anderson and I am a member of the Class of 2021. I would like to be a class representative in Student Congress this year because student government has always been a passion of mine. Throughout high school, I served as a class representative my freshman and sophomore years, I was the class president my junior year, and I was a member of the executive board my senior year. Student Congress is important to me because it allows me to have a voice in our school and it allows me to be a liaison for my peers and the school. The work that is done through Student Congress is very meaningful and I would be honored to be a part of that.
Christopher Iadeluca (2021 Class Rep)
My name is Chris Iadeluca and I am running for Providence College’s Student Congress for the class of 2021. I am running because I believe that a community can only be as strong as those who feel that they are a part of it, and I will be making it my personal goal to make sure the voice of each and every freshman is heard. I know that sometimes it can feel intimidating when you are in a new school full of people you may not know yet. I want to take that feeling away, so that you never feel alone and always feel like you are part of the Friar Family.
Elijah Stewart (2021 Class Rep)
I would like this opportunity not for the purposes of gaining stature or self-recognition, but for using my position to effect true change into our school and to expand my abilities in leadership, service, and cooperation. Through this opportunity that I hope to be deserving of I shall enact programs and legislation that will benefit the entire class of 2021. I will seek and pursue the vast majority of students who choose not to speak up or do not feel as involved in school matters as they should be. In doing so I will only make certain that the issues I bring to the intention of the Student Congress will truly reflect the entire student body. For as the job for every legislature whether small or large to be a representative not of themselves but of the people, to be a voice to the voiceless, and to be a source of outreach and support for those whom he or she represents. No matter the size or type of position that one holds, everyone has the obligation to make some type of change in the world but this change can only be accomplished through the actions of those willing to ultimately act on those desires for change.
Caroline Rivera (2021 Class Rep)
Hello my name is Caroline Rivera! I am very excited to run for Class of 2021 Student Representative in this upcoming election. Throughout High School I had a passion for student government and hope to continue pursuing this passion at Providence College. I was the Student Body President in my High School,Vice President of The Class of 2017, and the Student Liaison at Board of Education meetings. I am very animate about the voice of students at their educational institutions and want to ensure that they will continue to be heard.
Caroline Rivera 2021
Hayes Meredith (2021 Class Rep)
Politics has always been a keen interest of mine. I grew up in a household that depended on the opinions of the community as jobs. My father was a two-time highway superintendent of my town and my mother is a county legislator for my county. So, coming from a politically motivated family I felt that it’s my turn to take the baton and shoot my first shot at PC.
As a student representative I hope to serve the class of 2021 by helping to make the best decisions on their behalf. My main objectives are to transform PC into a more environmentally conscious campus, make every student feel a sense of community while they’re here, and maybe even elongate the hours of Ray dining hall.
I hope the freshman at PC will make the right decision and elect me to student congress on Tuesday, September 19th.
Margaret Mahoney (2021 Class Rep)
My name is Margaret Mahoney and I am running for Class Representative for the class of 2021! I am running for this position because I would love the opportunity to serve on student congress and represent the interests of my class. I believe I am well suited for this role because I am hard working, friendly, organized, and genuinely want to help PC students have a great year and help Providence be the best it can be! I have previously been on student councils and have found it to be an invaluable experience that I would love to continue at PC! Thank you for your consideration!