Tag: Connor Christuk ’21
Life at its Best
by The Cowl Editor on November 21, 2019
by Connor Christuk ’21 – Creative Writing Contest Honorable Mention
How important is a moment?
It all depends on if it’s your last
A moment among many is not much,
For a moment can only be so fast.
But if that moment were happy,
Would it mean so much more?
Do we exist to be happy?
Is life without happy moments a bore?
Or is life about feeling,
About trying and chore?
Is life about comfort,
Or rather about potential you explore?
Life at its Best
by Sarah D Kirchner on November 21, 2019
by Connor Christuk ’21 – Creative Writing Contest Honorable Mention
How important is a moment?
It all depends on if it’s your last
A moment among many is not much,
For a moment can only be so fast.
But if that moment were happy,
Would it mean so much more?
Do we exist to be happy?
Is life without happy moments a bore?
Or is life about feeling,
About trying and chore?
Is life about comfort,
Or rather about potential you explore?