Eco-Rep Updates

by The Cowl Editor on April 11, 2019

Eco Updates

by Madeline Stephen ’21 and Payton Morse ’20


Join ECOPC and Eco-Reps on April 28 to celebrate Earth Day! The Earth provides a beautiful home for us all to live on, so help show your appreciation by coming to Slavin Lawn between 11 a.m.-3 p.m. to check out the festivities.

There will be various groups on campus who will be co-sponsoring the event, including, Campus Ministry, Gaelic Society, Photo Club, Student Congress, Outdoor Adventure Club, and the American Marketing Association.There will also be outside groups coming to celebrate, such as the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, Waste Management, National Grid, and Frey’s Florist’s Community Garden.

With tons of activities, you will not be bored at the event. There will also be pots to paint, bags to decorate, shirts to tie dye, and games to play. There will be environmental trivia where you can win exciting prizes. If none of those activities interest you, feel free to just come hang out with the live band and enjoy a snack, such as a vegan ice cream cone, popcorn, pizza, potato skins, healthy smoothies, and more. Come check out the hype for yourself on April 28. We hope to see you there.

Eco-Rep Updates

by The Cowl Editor on November 15, 2018

Eco Updates

by Madeline Stephen ’21 and Payton Morse ’20


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it is important to recognize the negative impact that wasting food has on our environment. Food waste is the single largest component of trash in landfills and is also the single largest contributor to total methane gas emissions from landfills. In fact, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year and just one-quarter of all wasted food could feed the 795 million malnourished people around the world who suffer from hunger. 

Thanksgiving produces a mass amount of food waste due to the immense surplus of food served at the majority of tables across America. Despite attempts to buy the right sized turkey, more than 200 million pounds of turkey will still be thrown away. Help reduce the amount of food waste we produce by following some tips on how to reduce your food waste this Thanksgiving:

Try buying the ugly produce that would usually otherwise be thrown out simply because it is bruised or has a weird shape. Produce will be peeled, chopped, and mixed so what does it matter if they looked ugly at the store?                                  

Try choosing recipes that “fit” together. This may take some more preparation than usual, but it is an extremely efficient way to reduce food waste. For example, if a stuffing recipe calls for half an onion, find another recipe that calls for the other half!

Don’t toss the scraps! Vegetable peelings and meat bones can be used to make a homemade stock. 

Plan ahead and know how many people you will need to be providing food for. Have your guests bring containers so that they can bring home leftovers as well.

Eat your leftovers rather than tossing them out! Or, if you need a break from the holiday food, stick the turkey in your freezer and save it for a later recipe. 

Finally, find a local food pantry and donate. Many people will go without food this holiday season so donate that extra can of cranberry sauce that never got opened so that someone else can enjoy it. 

From 11a.m.-1p.m. in Raymond Dining Hall on Nov. 13, Waste Management and PC’s ECOPC and EcoReps will be hosting an event titled the “Clean Plate Challenge” to raise awareness about food waste! This is a great opportunity to learn a bit more about the issue of food waste and methods of reduction in the comfort of our own dining hall. 

Eco-Rep Updates

by The Cowl Editor on October 18, 2018

Eco Updates

by Madeline Stephen ’21 and Payton Morse ’20

Residence Life recently held their annual Hall Council elections, and for the second year, “EcoReps” were elected for each of the residence halls. 

The EcoRep Program, a collaboration of Residence Life and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, was formed with the intent to promote sustainability and environmentally friendly practices on campus, particularly in the residence halls. 

These practices will include proper recycling procedures on campus, energy conservation, water conservation, food waste, and other sustainable matters.

The EcoReps will strive to educate their peers by speaking at floor meetings, holding educational events, and posting informational flyers on an EcoRep bulletin board found in the lobby of each residence hall. 

The 2018-2019 EcoReps are as follows: Matthew Kirslis (St. Joseph Hall), Charlie Pandit (McDermott Hall), Connor Duggan (Guzman Hall), Kate Davis (Meagher Hall), Jalynn Booker (McVinney Hall), Emma Harrington (Raymond Hall), Isabelle McDonald (Aquinas Hall), Gerardo Davilla (Suites Hall), Olivia Pellegrini (Fennell Hall), Allison LeMoigne (East Apartments), and Rob Lesch (West Apartments).

Reach out to your residence hall’s EcoRep for answers to any questions about anything environmental, or stop by one of our next events to participate in the fun. 

On  Saturday, October 27 (freshmen parent’s weekend), from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. there will be a “Harvest Market” on Slavin Lawn with informational tables giving away lots of free goodies. Come by and learn a thing or two! 

If that does not interest you, on Nov. 13, we are hosting a “Clean Plate Challenge” in Raymond Hall–come see how much food waste is produced and how we can collectively cut down on this waste.