Tag: red flags
by trogers5 on March 3, 2022
Professor Red Flags I Wish I Noticed Earlier in the Semester:
- No syllabus week
- Small word counts for essays (only for English/Creative Writing majors)
- Long word counts for essays (for every other major)
- Asks for papers single-spaced
- Wants printed and digital copies
- No laptops allowed in class (they’re cutting into my online shopping time…)
- Printing out every handout for class
- Plugs their own journal articles
- Has group projects
- Cold-calls
- Gives oral exams
- Doesn’t reply to emails
- Emails too much
- Doesn’t let you use the bathroom
- Gets mad when someone uses the bathroom
- Not enough office hours
- Doesn’t take off their jacket
- Uses a chalkboard (and doesn’t mind the squeaking)
- “I don’t really give out As…”
- Doesn’t use Sakai
- Doesn’t learn anyone’s names
- Makes due dates midnight instead of 11:59 p.m.
by trogers5 on February 10, 2022
Biggest Red Flags

- Asked me out to the PC basketball game
- Is a business major
- Has a pet monkey
- Doesn’t read The Cowl
- Is in their red hair phase (no offense, Sarah)
- Goes to URI
- Is Nate Jacobs (from Euphoria)
- Posts regularly on Yik Yak
- Gets hazelnut or pecan flavored coffee
- Has a favorite song from Certified Lover Boy
- Doesn’t thank the UG2 workers
- Prefers Ray over Alum
- Makes thirst traps on TikTok
- Chooses Old’s over Brad’s
- Doesn’t like Chicken Nugget Thursdays
- Posted about their lost Airpods on the PC mobile app
- Lives in Guzman
- Calls Suites “McCarthy”
- Doesn’t like Dean Sears’s emails
- Willingly has an 8:30 every day
- Has a red “Saturdays are for the boys” flag
- Picked me.