Adam Hanna ’18: PC’s Own Rock Star: Release of Adam Hanna’s first Music Video “Friday 5”

by The Cowl Editor on September 28, 2017

Arts & Entertainment

Musician Adam Hanna holding his guitar.
Photo courtesy of

by Joe Clancy ’18

A&E Staff

Providence College finds its own rock star in Adam Hanna ’18. Down-to-earth and easy to talk to, Hanna has seen a massive amount of well-deserved success in his music career.

This past week I sat down with Hanna to discuss his new music video, “Friday 5,” which was released Sept. 25. Hanna explained, “I wrote my latest single “Friday 5” about the grind every week of getting to Friday [at] 5 p.m. Everystudent and worker of any age knows this feeling of total freedom when you have the whole weekend ahead of you [on] Friday [at] 5 p.m.”

He noted that when he originally wrote the song was titled “Sunday Night Blues,” but as he went on Hanna thought “it was better to write about what’s lifting us up rather than bringing us down.” Hanna’s sound is heavily influenced by Bruce Springsteen, who is one of his favorite musicians.

During his senior year at Providence College, Hanna plans to release four to five professionally produced songs and videos. “Friday 5” is the first of these releases.

Hanna believes there is a “definite learning curve as far as the marketing aspect goes—reaching out to the greatest number of people on the best platforms.” He explained, “Marketing is my major at PC, so it’s cool to apply some of the concepts I’ve learned in classes to growing my own brand in the real world.”

Musician Adam Hanna holding his guitar
Photo courtesy of Adam Hanna ’18

“I’m very grateful for the fan base I have at PC—the kids here are the reason I have the courage to put these videos out,” Hanna said. “There’s always a feeling of vulnerability when I put myself out there for everyone to see, whether it’s on stage or on a computer screen. You never quite know how it will be received, but through the support of PC I am learning to trust myself and who I want to be as an artist.”

Hanna is understanding that some people will enjoy his music while others will not. “Learning to cope with that idea,” he explained, “and being unapologetically myself [as an artist] is what I am learning right now, and may be one of the most important ideas I can wrap my head around as an artist going forward.” The process is a difficult one, but Hanna’s passion for making music encourages him to remember to “just keep swimming.”

With “Friday 5” released, Hanna’s next single will be a song called “Queen Bee.” He claimed that “Queen Bee” is “the closest thing [he has] to a love song,” and that he has “high hopes for that release and everything going forward.”

“Friday 5” is a fun and energetic song that will get you to think about the good times ahead this weekend. Be sure to look out for Hanna’s upcoming events all around the Providence area.