Tangents & Tirades

by kwheele4 on May 7, 2021


More Than a Post

No one can deny that the past year has been riddled with social issues that need to be addressed by the greater population. While sharing an infographic is a great starting point to provide information to a larger audience, Instagram should not be the only avenue of education on a topic. 

Issues surrounding mental health, social justice, and gender equality are significant, and while it is promising that the younger generations are willing to have these conversations, there is so much more to a movement than what you might see on social media. That is why it is important to go beyond the app and study the issues being addressed. 

The best way to do this is through thorough research. If you are interested in an issue, make sure you can understand it from all sides, rather than one (likely biased) account on Instagram. 

Of course, posting these infographics is not necessarily harmful. In fact, they can make people aware of issues they may not have heard of before. So sharing is okay. But a person should fully read a source before sharing it to a large number of followers. Compare it to a source on an essay: would it be smart to cite something you’ve only skimmed?

Overall, staying up to date on the news is necessary. And sharing issues you are passionate about is an effective way to use social media. But remember that life and information continues outside of those apps and that it might be better to inform yourself further on more requitable sites.

Julia McCoy ’22

Making up for Lost Time

During the past two semesters of the 2020-2021 school year, Providence College students have been through it all with the COVID-19 pandemic: on-campus buildings were forced to close, strict pods were enforced, and the ability to hold both on- and off-campus social gatherings and important events became essentially impossible. 

As of late April, PC has been able to lift some of these restrictions and mandates as many students are becoming partially and fully vaccinated. 

While this school year has been undeniably unforgettable, there were also many events which could not be forgotten because they were never able to take place. So, as we near our three-month summer vacation and excitedly await the potential of a far more social return, it is important to make up for all the lost time as much as possible.

While we cannot gain back the semesters we have lost to social distancing and other unforeseen and unfortunate realities, we can set social goals and plans for the fall 2021 semester to make sure that we see the people, go to the places, and do more of what we have all literally and figuratively missed. 

By taking time to reflect on this past year and set goals over the summer vacation, we, the Friar Family, will return more united than ever, ensuring that another year will not be lost to missed opportunities. 

—Madeline Morkin ’22

Talking on the Phone Trumps Texting 

Texting has quickly grown to become one of, if not the most popular form of communication. Psychologists and other experts are even starting to study texting as a separate language, including emojis and their meanings. While texting is a quick and efficient way to get your message across, calling on the phone is a far better form of technological communication.

Some argue that talking on the phone is way more awkward and uncomfortable than texting. Teenagers especially, who grew up with this technology, would prefer to hide behind the mask of their iMessage. However, making a phone call is better because it helps the caller to practice social skills, unlike texting. 

Tone is often misunderstood in text messages, which can make things uncomfortable for both sides. A text sent with a period may seem to some to be just a simple declarative sentence, but others may view it as a passive aggressive message. In contrast, with calling on the phone, people can communicate their tone with their voices, making conversations a lot less awkward and vague. 

With phone calls, you can save voicemails from loved ones that have a much deeper meaning than text messages. The several recorded voicemails I have saved from my late grandmother are so special to me because I can hear her voice; text messages do not convey this type of deep connection. 

While texting is good for small and trite messages, calling on the phone is good for practicing social skills, which often seem lost in this technologically driven world, and hearing the voices of loved ones. 

Emily Ball ’22