Providence College: It Never Gets Old

by Emily Baldo '24 on November 4, 2023

Editor's Column

Moving into college housing and knowing it’s the last time I’d ever drive up Huxley Avenue with a car full of storage drawers and Providence College sweatshirts was a bizarre feeling. If you had told me four years ago that I wouldn’t be able to imagine leaving this place, I probably would have laughed in your face. It was the height of a pandemic, I didn’t know anyone else at PC, and I was terrified of being away from home. Somewhere between freshman and senior year, that changed, and I found my place here—both at PC and at The Cowl

Let me introduce myself: I’m Emily, a senior, with an English major and a sociology minor, and I’m so excited to work with one of my best friends this year to bring this paper to you. 

When Emma and I were up for the Editor-in-Chief role, it was something neither of us had expected in our time at The Cowl, but now, it’s something that feels like it was supposed to happen. Having led the copyeditors last year with another of my best friends, I’m excited to step into a bigger role and keep making this newspaper a safe space for students.  Emma and I want to include as many of you as we can, whether you’re a reader, writer, or editor; we want students involved, and we want to keep improving The Cowl. Thanks for having us as your Editors-in-Chief—we promise to make it a great year!