by The Cowl Editor on November 16, 2017
Editor's Column
by Paige Calabrese ’18
Associate Editor-in-Chief
With Thanksgiving break quickly approaching, many of us here at Providence College are asking ourselves the same question: Where did the time go? Looking back on the semester, it feels as though Senior Ring Weekend happened just last week, but now we are cramming in last-minute papers and preparing ourselves for finals.
At various points throughout our lives, we often find ourselves reflecting on our pasts, values, and where we want to be in the future; these reflections tend to lead to wishing that we had more time: more time to figure things out, more time to spend with friends and family, more time to travel, etc.
There never seems to be enough time, and no matter how hard one plans or thinks ahead, the time given is not sufficient.
On the other hand, everyone knows the feeling of frustration, panic, and stress when they realize that there may have been more efficient and productive ways to spend their time that did not include watching Hulu, eating mozzarella sticks, or searching for adoptable cats online.
The wave of time-wasting regret usually hits when we realize we are at the beginning of a week in which there are two papers we have not started, at least one group project, and two—or more—tests we have not studied for.
In the midst of all this chaos of end-of-semester schoolwork and extra-curricular events, I had an epiphany; we, as people, dwell on wishing that we had more time or regretting the way we spent the time we had.
As we approach Thanksgiving and the general holiday season, we should reject feelings of regret, shame, and frustration over how we allotted time and how little of it we truly have, and instead be appreciative of the time we do have and the way we have spent it.
Take the next few weeks to be grateful for time passed with family, friends, and fellow Friars. During this stressful part of the semester, remember that each second is a gift —even those seconds spent studying and taking exams—that cannot be changed or taken back.
Time is a precious commodity, so treat it as such.