by The Cowl Editor on April 21, 2022
by Nicole Patano ’22
Past the student center she walks,
a ringing in her ears.
Her name is spoken in whispers
by the boys she met last year.
The ones who took the chance to kiss her
and then left her alone to cry silent tears.
Beyond their voices, another sound,
steady as a thrum.
It presses down upon her neck,
presses like a thumb.
It transports her back to that hateful night,
when she wished upon a star
for someone to make it stop.
Now hearing it is like tearing open a scar,
or feeling a blister pop.
She knows that after hearing the “beep,” “beep,” “beep,”
she will not be able to sleep.
All because of that hateful night
And, gone unanswered, that one blue light.