by The Cowl Editor on March 21, 2019
Congress Updates
Margaret Mahoney ’21
Student Congress Publicity
On Tuesday, March 19, 2019, the 69th Student Congress hosted Peter Palumbo, director of academic advising, who presented on updates to the current academic advising program. Palumbo said his department has been working on streamlining the degree audit format and have been implementing additional faculty development programs. Palumbo then fielded student questions and feedback about the advising process.
Following Mr. Palumbo’s presentation, representatives from the Student Advisory Board on Mental Health presented on their organization’s role on campus. This club serves as a liaison between the student body and the mental health resources on campus. The advisory board has participated in Fresh Check day, worked Inside Out week, and hosted a forum about mental health. Additionally, the representatives highlighted their upcoming events such as, “A Chance for Change: How to get involved so you can make a difference” on March 26.
Following the guest speakers, Student Congress voted to approve “Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS): Diversity in STEM” as an official club under Student Congress.