by The Cowl Editor on November 1, 2018
Editor's Column
by Abigail Czerniecki ’19
Associate Editor-in-Chief
With midterms coming to a close, we have a chance to reflect upon our academic success and choices we have made thus far.
Midterm season is a stressful time for everyone, but it also gives us the opportunity to be honest with ourselves and either modify or improve upon what we have accomplished, what we want to accomplish, and how to accomplish our end goals.
November is the time to look back on what you have done and make adjustments based on the results. Reflection upon oneself is crucial if we want to not only succeed, but to improve the Providence College community.
Look beyond the midterm grades you receive this semester and look forward to the next chapter. Midterms are not there to discourage or overwhelm us; rather, midterms are there so that we can be honest with ourselves, know what we must do, and act upon it.
Holding ourselves accountable for our work effort is a difficult thing to do, but in order to succeed and reach our goals we must constantly reflect on the past and move forward.
For freshmen, you have survived your first fall semester at PC, and for seniors, we have just completed our last first semester. It is time to put aside our fears of the future and challenge ourselves to better our academic and personal success.
Midterms should not be the only time we reflect upon our work ethic, our successes, or even our failures. Self-reflection should be reoccurring and frequent if we want to better ourselves.
Accomplishing this takes more than just a quick glance at the grade book on Sakai or CyberFriar to see a result. It takes the adjectives we have heard all our lives—dedication, discipline, and motivation, that will determine our greatest successes.