by Elizabeth McGinn on February 25, 2021
by Matthew Ciesla ’24
’Twas on a venture, enveloped in quiet cold, That a belief quite unusual did take hold: Sweet is the tune the harsh wind carries Of times long past and forgotten.
And to our feeble sentiments it so varies, For ’tis of vast nature’s heart begotten.
Past dark limbs a’sway I did walk No one to laugh nor one to talk. Empty was the scene I eyed,
The soulless, lonesome path ahead. And ’tis when all distracting banter died That a distant melody filled my head.
How unbelievable it seemed to me
To bear such longing in the presence of thee. Though tightly covered holding warmth,
I stopped and moved to lend an ear.
But as suddenly as thou came forth Thou whistled past me, no longer able to hear.
And so I did return
To that same place I now struggled to discern. A path took shape and led me away,
As soulless and lonesome as before.
Past those dark limbs once a’sway
I walked no longer knowing what for.
Thus this venture passed me by
But thenceforth with conviction so think I: Sweet is the tune the harsh wind carries Of times long past and forgotten. And to our feeble sentiments it so varies, For ’tis of vast nature’s heart begotten.