Tag: Mono SZN
Listomania: Things that I learned last semester
by Connor Zimmerman on January 16, 2020
Mint Juul pods are illegal
I cannot responsibly manage my money (or Friar Bucks)
They lied to me on the tour about Ray
Men’s basketball will never be able to hit their free throws
I paid $5k for a class that I skipped 23 times
I can get mono really easily (my mama always said I would be good at something)
The dorms are sticky
Mondoz is always the move, not Eaton Street
I need a new major
Clubs are really just cults on this campus
I’m not actually going abroad
Ed Cooley can pump some iron
Winter break ain’t long enough
2 or 3 cups of coffee is fine unless it’s before 2 a.m.
My parents know less about loans than I do
DWC is an informative and life-changing experience…sike