Thank You Notes!

by The Cowl Editor on December 8, 2022



hearts coming out of an envelope
photo creds: pixabay

Mom and Dad, thank you for believing in me and supporting my love for writing. I love you both so much!

Megan B.

I’m thankful for one of our lovely UG2 workers in Davis, Vita. Thank you for everything you do, your work and your kindness do not go unnoticed. 

Kate W.

To Gil Donohue, who might read this: thank you for Lessons & Carols, and for choir week in and week out. You are, as they say, a goat.

Fiona C.

” A huge thank you to my family – You support me in all my endeavors and are my greatest cheerleaders. I would not be where I am today without you! ” – Sara J.

To the ladies at the Ruane Starbucks, thank you for keeping me alive this semester!

Sarah K. 

Thank you Sonia for your wonderful omelets every day! You help make the start of every morning extra special.

Taylor R.

Thank you to my family and friends for always providing comfort and love. I appreciate it more than ever during the holiday season

Caitlin B. 

Class of 2023, thank you for being so great and making these four years the best! 

Anna P.

Thank you to the AMAZING Cowl editors and writers who’ve worked so hard this semester!

Sarah M. 

I have a lot of people in my life that I want to thank. Not just for being nice to me but for just being in my life. Being someone I can count on when I have no one else to turn too, people who I know will always be there for me even when others turn their backs on me. I’ve known these three idiots for almost half my life. And I’ve never been more thankful for their existence. They’ve gotten me through incredibly rough times and I can’t imagine my life without them. To my best friends in the entire world, thank you.

Connor R.