Tangible Love

by The Cowl Editor on November 20, 2018


by Jessica Polanco ’20

Everyone claims you’re just as tangible
As a rainbow in the sky
But there’s nothing to see
Just a disappointment in disguise
You creep into my heart
Slowly, you infect my brain

I think they call you LOVE?
But sitting you against royalty
Would be a shame

A black heart with a hue of red in a dark background
Photo courtesy of vecteezy.com

You make people literally blind
Throw them to the streets to reside

You don’t care
You just laugh and say
“Look at that punk over there,
with a box full of chocolates
And despair.”

Everyone claims you’re tangible
That we can hug you
Take walks with you at the park,
And when we kiss you, we’ll feel a spark

Who named you LOVE anyways?
That name is too beautiful
For a junkie
Who smokes cigarettes
Who drinks whiskey
Who lives nowhere
Who doesn’t care

Everyone claims youre tangible
And here you are
Kissing me goodbye