To the Class of 2019: Pursue Goodness in Final Semester at PC

by The Cowl Editor on December 6, 2018

Editor's Column

by Abigail Czerniecki ’19

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Whether we like it or not, in just one week we will be second semester seniors. I have been avoiding any conversations, emails, or thoughts about graduation and even about my future plans, but avoiding the concept of graduation does not prolong our time at Providence College.

The fall semester has been memorable, but what is important is with whom you are making your memories.

Whether those memorable moments were made with our class during Senior Ring Weekend, during a class with those in your major, or maybe the moments you remember best were simple and just with a friend or two.

All of these moments are built into our fall semester, and even though we leave PC, PC will never leave us. 

This should not be a time of sadness as our class enters into our last semester at PC, rather, it should be a time of togetherness, and of course, getting our ducks in a row in order to have some type of future. Let us support one another before we venture off to our paved futures.

Take the time that we have left to reflect on what you have accomplished or what you still hope to accomplish.

Cherish the essence of our Friar Family and pursue the discovery of something new—pursue goodness. Make more memorable moments before we can no longer call ourselves PC undergraduates, and can no longer call PC home.