by Anna Pomeroy '23 on September 29, 2022
Portfolio Staff
I know it’s been a while,
It seems like we’re playing phone tag.
I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy.
Where we last left off
Your favorite show was Hannah Montana
And you considered chicken fingers and French fries to be the only existing foods.
You tried every sport,
But nothing really stuck.
It never seemed to phase you though,
Because “Your Favorite Hobby?” was always answered with
“Hanging with friends.”
Same people to this day.
They’re doing well at college and
It’s almost frightening that they sometimes know you
Better than you know yourself.
Still love the fall.
Always used to be filled with
Halloween costume magazine orders,
Apple cider donuts and
Trick or treating.
I think it’s the beauty of the memories that
Makes me still enjoy it
But now I have to go,
I’ve got things to do.
This goodbye shouldn’t make you cry,
I’ll always have you by my side.