Category: Portfolio


by Sarah Heavren ’21 After a whole year Of loss, change, and pain, There’s something we need To help us sustain. Days spent in waiting For the perfect day To bust out some discs, Get some friends, and play.  A little rusty From being apart, Together again We practice our art.  To some it might […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Listomania: Signs that it’s Spring at PC

The return of the wannabe lax bros  Playing spike ball on the quad (or any lawn game of your choice)  The friars are showing their ankles Soccer and lax games every weekend  Everybody bringing back the folding chairs from September Country music on the AQ lawn Darties The smell of trees and grass combatting the […]

Elizabeth McGinn

St. Patrick’s Day Straitjacket

by Fiona Clarke ’23 It’s almost that time of year when I can’t tell whether I’m embarrassed or sunburned. Every year, I think, “I won’t get sunburned, it’s too cold, or cloudy, or I’ll only be outside a few minutes,” and every year, I find out the hard way that no, I can’t stand outside […]

Elizabeth McGinn


by Toni Rendon ’24 Heartbreaks are like Earthquakes They rattle your bones, like the way the world shakes You duck for cover, but there’s no escape You’re afraid that this will be the last day  The home you built is rocked at the foundations Cracks appear on the walls in different places We’re all scared, […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Tiff and Earl

Dear Tiff & Earl,  Meatless Fridays have begun. Any suggestions on how I can smuggle in and/or find some meat on campus? Sincerely, Carnivore    Dear Carnivore, I believe I have to defer your question to Arby’s, because they are quite confident that they have the meats.  Juicily, Tiff   Dear Carnivore,  Smuggling is the […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Following Mother’s Path

by Taylor Rogers ’24 Wind playfully sways my fragile body, jokingly pushing me towards an unseeable path. I refuse to acknowledge this pull, but I find myself unable to turn around. Here is the place I feel the most serene, the most calm, since I know my demons can crawl into my bed at night. […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Some Words on Distant Histories

 by Sam Ward ’21 Patience, we feel, These lies write for Themselves. Pay homage Or pay the price, we Play for numbers, Not for keeps, Raise the bar. This entry cost is steep. Invaders in the pantry, The enemy hangs wreaths On your own front door.   Distracted, gaze fixated on Screens. How can it be […]

Elizabeth McGinn


by Mariela Flores ’23 My bed is placed right by a window.  My window brings in the cold air in December. I wake up with a stuffy nose & a scratchy throat. It’s as if I had been yelling the night before, maybe in my dreams. Screaming to be let out from the confines too […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Listomania: Places to Eat at PC When the Dining Hall is Closed

Koi pond (with some sushi) The one chair outside of your professor’s office Your car  Outside of Ray with the sweet aroma of garbage  Cowl office (if you’re lucky) Friar Development Center Testing center (before taking a swab) The tunnels  The priory  The center of the torch  Around the fire pits (during snowfall) Coach Cooley’s […]

Elizabeth McGinn

Silent Pain

Trigger Warning: This poem includes references to restrictive eating and body image by Grace O’Connor ’22 She was used to her bones jutting out, Her ribs, hip bones, elbows. She was used to her clothes never fitting her, As they would fall off her scrawny frame. Her face was pale and her eyes held pain. She […]

Elizabeth McGinn