PC Back Stronger Than Before: College’s Campus Reopens and In-person Classes Resume

by Kyle Burgess on October 29, 2020


By: Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

After about a two-week closure during the campus-wide quarantine, Providence College has finally resumed its in-person classes and use of the Concannon Fitness Center, Phillips Memorial Library, and indoor dining at Raymond Dining Hall and Alumni Hall Food Court. PC students have been eager to get back out on campus and recommence their weekly activities with their peers, whether it is meeting with friends in the library to do work, going to the gym, or simply grabbing a bite to eat at Ray.

On Oct. 15, Dean Steven Sears sent an email officially announcing the idea of a “PC Comeback.” Sears expressed that, regarding the reopening of the College after the recent lockdown, “It has taken a tremendous amount of hard work and discipline to get here, and I am grateful to every one of you for the part you have played.”

Between the combined effort of testing every student each week, along with everyone wearing masks and sticking to their pods these past few weeks, students have contributed to bringing PC back to normal.

However, the work is not done. We must keep up the hard work so to not regress back to a forced quarantine. Sears stressed that the only way to avoid going backwards is to learn from our “trials and tribulations” and truly commit to doing our part to keep us on track for five more successful weeks in Friartown. The most important thing to do right now is be smart with where we choose to go, regarding both on-campus and off-campus activities.

Sears gave the example that going out to dinner at a restaurant is not safe, while going to grab an iced coffee to-go from LaSalle is much less risky. We must also continue to stay within our pods, avoiding interactions with other pods that could potentially lead to more positive cases.

Ray and Alumni are back to their normal dining hours. As of Oct. 18, all students were given the option for dine-in or take-out in both halls. Ray will begin to bring back some of its favorite offerings that students have been missing, such as made-to-order eggs, build your own salad, and Rustic Roots. Ray also has several special events planned in the coming weeks, such as a donut holes topping bar, a “Rock the Block” party, and “billionaire” burgers for all students to enjoy.

Alumni Hall will offer Fresh Fusion, Fry Factory, Burger Shop, Yella’s, soup, Slice of Life calzones, and Simply-To-Go sandwiches and salads for dine-in Monday–Friday from 10:30 a.m.–11 p.m. and Saturday–Sunday 12 p.m.–11 p.m. Mobile ordering is also available during this time.

Ruane Cafe will remain closed for the semester; however, Blessed Beans & Bakery (located in Ray) will re-open, continuing to serve Starbucks beverages, pastries, and desserts. Lastly, Eaton Street Cafe will remain mobile-order only, available only on Sunday–Saturday, 5 p.m.–10 p.m. However, students must continue to wear masks and maintain social distancing while dining in and out.

This was not the last of the “PC Comeback” email students received. Sears sent out another email highlighting the change in mood on campus. With classes resuming some in-person instruction, and a return to normal Friartown activities, Sears noted that campus seems to be much happier all around.

Sears also shared  what he called “The Great Friar Comeback Pledge.” By taking and signing this pledge, we, as members of Friartown, are committing ourselves to return from the recent outbreak unified and stronger. Some of the claims stated in the pledge include, “I will value and respect the interconnectedness of all members of the Providence College and Rhode Island community,” and “I will commit to actions and behaviors that will not impede the access and opportunity of others.”

By signing this pledge, we are expressing our gratitude towards the College and each other in all of our efforts to make campus a safer and healthier place for the coming weeks leading into Thanksgiving break by wearing a mask, staying within our pods, and social distancing. When students sign this pledge, they are eligible to receive Pledge Perks, such as weekly give-away raffles. The next time students visit the testing center in the Peterson Recreation Center, they will be able to pick up a Comeback Kit, which includes some information about pods and other public health guidance, a no-touch tool for keypads, a small hand sanitizer, and a Friar mask with a single-use filter in every bag.

The Board Of Programmers (BOP) has also been involved in the reopening of campus through a wide variety of events that encompass re-establishing the Friartown community in a comfortable and safe way. Prior to the lockdown, BOP conducted the event “Coping with COVID” via Zoom, which included a mental health panel that discussed readjusting to life on campus during a pandemic.

Also, the weekend of Oct.18, BOP hosted their Fall Market event where students were invited to tie-dye masks as a way to destress during the chaos of studying for midterms. In addition to the in-person and Zoom events, BOP has also been hosting events that students can sign up for and have the materials for the event delivered right to their dorm rooms to avoid in-person contact. This past week, the “Paint a Pumpkin” event took place. Students signed up online and then received a pumpkin and painting supplies at their rooms, allowing them to engage directly with the event from the comfort of their dorms.

These are certainly unprecedented times, but through the continued support of Dean Sears, PC Dining staff, BOP, and most importantly, our faculty and students, we will persevere and make it until Thanksgiving break. Every student must put forth their best effort to ensure that Friartown is a safe and healthy place for the PC community to thrive in. With the example set forth by Dean Sears and others, all of this is possible.

PC hopes to prevent further outbreaks by reminding students of social distance guidelines. Photo courtesy of Providence College.

Memorializing 19 Years Since 9/11

by Kyle Burgess on September 17, 2020


by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

This past Friday, Providence College students and faculty commemorated 9/11 with a beautiful memorial service on the lawn in front of the Arthur F. & Patricia Ryan Center for Business Studies. According to Charlie Dumon ‘21, President of PC Republicans, the club has been hosting this 9/11 memorial at PC every year since the horrific attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

When asked if the PC Republicans have ever considered coordinating an event with the PC Democrats in future memorial services, Dumon responded by saying that his club has not considered hosting the event with the PC Democrats. The PC Democrats are normally responsible for the Veterans Day memorial service, while the PC Republicans are responsible for the 9/11 memorial. However, Dumon made sure to note that “this event isn’t political. Our [PC Republicans] club just has the privilege of hosting it [the 9/11 memorial].”

Regarding how PC students, faculty, and staff can continue to remember and honor the sacrifices and lives lost on this tragic day throughout the rest of the year, Dumon stated that each person can choose to honor the lives lost on that day in their own, special way. Dumon explained that one member of the PC community may show their support by “waving at Providence Police and Fire departments as they drive by on Eaton Street,” while “for another, it could be praying for the families of those lost.”

Regardless of how one chooses to honor the sacrifices made on Sept. 11, 2001, the most important thing to remember is to Never Forget.

Dozens of flags were displayed in honor of those who lost their lives 19 year ago. Hannah Langley ‘21/TheCowl.

Shockwaves in the Ocean State: Coronavirus Arrives in Rhode Island

by The Cowl Editor on March 5, 2020


Fr. Shanley insisted in his email that “the risk of infection remains low” at PC. Graphic design by Hannah Langley ’21/TheCowl.

by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

A hot topic lately among Providence College students and the state of Rhode Island has been the first reported diagnosed case of coronavirus in the state this past Sunday. 

According to the New York Times, the first case of coronavirus in Rhode Island is a school administrator at St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket, RI. This teacher, along with his students, had traveled to Italy and two other countries a week prior when “a travel advisory issued a warning of a coronavirus outbreak there,” according to this New York Times article. 

This past Sunday, an email went out to the parents of students’ at the academy informing them that this administrator had tested positive for the coronavirus, only returning from abroad on Feb. 22. 

One common theme that can be seen with the virus is that when it spreads, it spreads fast. This was evident when a third email went out from the school’s head administrator informing parents that “a teenage girl on the same trip had also tested positive and that a second adult chaperone, a woman in her 30s, had developed symptoms and was also undergoing testing” according to this same New York Times article.

After reading these articles about the first few cases popping up in Rhode Island, PC students immediately became concerned. Many demanded answers about what was going on and what procedures and precautions the College would put in place to protect their students from contracting the virus.

When asked about her general reaction and thoughts regarding the situation, Abbey Lee ’22 answered, “I am just trying to take it [news about the spreading of the Coronavirus] day-by-day. If things continue to get worse nationally and locally, I know PC will take the proper precautions for its students.”

In the early evening on Monday, Providence College’s President, Father Brian F. Shanley, O.P., sent out an email with an update on the coronavirus and how the school plans on handling the situation. 

Fr. Shanley made it a point to let students know that “the risk of infection remains low,” despite the two confirmed cases of the virus in Rhode Island, and a third case currently being tested. Fr. Shanley explained that the school will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation and will update students and faculty as necessary. 

However, he claimed that he and the school’s advice remains the same as last week: “take precautions to keep yourself healthy and make sure you stay informed about specific health and travel advisories.” Such precautions include washing your hands consistently, as that has been described as one of the main ways to avoid contracting the virus.

Also mentioned in Fr. Shanley’s email was a web page created by the school with links to useful sources with details about how to keep yourself healthy, as provided by the Rhode Island Department of Health. 

These precautionary steps included getting a seasonal flu vaccination, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or sleeve, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and wash your hands frequently using soap and warm water. Even though some of these precautions seem like common sense, the Rhode Island Department of Health highly encourages Rhode Island residents to take part in such actions as a means to prevent the further spreading of the virus.

This email to students went a step further by advising students and faculty about certain considerations to make when traveling and how to manage the anxiety associated with the spreading of the virus. 

Fr. Shanley included that extensive advice for travelers is available on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, which includes information about “certain travel restrictions [that] are already in place and it is possible that new ones, including quarantines, could be implemented in the coming days and weeks.” Students and faculty certainly must take these thoughts into consideration as spring break is right around the corner, and many members of the PC community plan on traveling.

Fr. Shanley wrapped up his email by mentioning that he understands that news about the spreading of the coronavirus on a global scale and now on a local scale can cause anxiety among students. In response to this, he provided a link with some tips to help manage this anxiety. Some of these tips, from the American Psychological Association, included keeping things in perspective, making sure you get all the facts before you react in a certain way, and even seeking additional help from the PC’s personal counseling center if necessary.

At the end of the email, Fr. Shanley made sure to include that we need “to emphasize the importance of compassion and understanding” at this critical time. “Ours is a community that prides itself on taking care of each other. It has always been that way, and it will continue to be as we navigate these concerns.” 

Featured Friar: Nicholas Calcagno ’21

by The Cowl Editor on February 27, 2020


by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

Nick Calcagno ’21 has certainly made his mark at Providence College throughout his past three years here. Whether his involvement included organizing student orientation events, serving as a critical member of the Admissions Ambassadors, or helping to found and create the first ever business fraternity at PC, Calcagno has done it all.

Calcagno grew up in Westfield, NJ, which is about four hours from Friartown. Now the real question is, how did PC make it onto his radar and why did he choose this school? 

According to Calcagno, “I found PC through my mom who graduated in ‘89. She never pressed me to come here, but I knew it was the place for me as soon as I stepped on campus.” He was inspired by the warm community and the intense spirit for the school that was present everywhere he looked. Also, to add to the PC family tree, Calcagno’s sister decided she, too, loved the school and joined him. 

One of Calcagno’s greatest accomplishments at PC is having established the business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. When asked what inspired him to pursue this fraternity, Calcagno responded by saying, “I cannot take all the credit for starting Delta Sigma Pi. My friend Trevor Somers ‘21 actually came to me with the idea in the beginning of sophomore year to start a co-ed academic business fraternity open to all business majors.” 

Somers and Calcagno realized that many business clubs were based on one’s major, but not many clubs were open to all business majors. Calcagno explained, “While Trevor was abroad in Spain fall semester, I served as the acting president of Delta Sigma Pi to get it off the ground and solidify it so that we would be able to become a chapter by the end of the year.” 

Now that Somers is back on campus, Calcagno serves as second-in-command as the senior vice president of the fraternity. Somers’ and Calcagno’s hardwork has paid off. With the help of a solid executive committee, Calcagno reported that over 70 kids committed to the fraternity, all of whom will be initiated this spring.

The creation of Delta Sigma Pi has helped to shape Calcagno’s PC career. The fraternity has allowed Calcagno to plan events for their members that are “intended to give them a cutting edge in the business world.” 

The organization also participates in community service events that aim to help PC and the Providence community. Calcagno claims, “This allows me to give back to the community around me as well as the members themselves. In addition, this fraternity is open to anyone who is a business major, allowing us to give as many kids a chance to join a great organization.” 

Because of the unique events and activities this fraternity offers, the members of the fraternity will each remember this as a special part of their PC experience.

In addition to serving as an Admissions Ambassador executive board member and as an orientation leader, Calcagno recently joined the Friars Club. When asked why he is a member of all of these clubs and organizations, Calcagno responded by saying, “All of these organizations are fantastic, which is why I couldn’t help but work to join all of them.” 

Calcagno finds that each of these clubs has one thing in common: giving back to the school and assisting in bringing in the next generation of Friars. In some way or another, each club Calcagno is involved in aims to make the College a well-rounded, engaging school experience for current and potential students, making him a very valuable member of the Friar Family.

Regarding Calcagno’s future plans after leaving Friartown, he intends to move back to New Jersey or to the New York City area. As a finance major, Calcagno intends to work in a career in real estate and eventually start his own portfolio. 

However, Calcagno made a point to say, “A very long term goal of mine is to return to the city of Providence and build a large scale affordable housing project to benefit the community.” 

With goals like this and the work ethic he has, Calcagno is capable of doing great things in his future years, and he has already made an impact within the Friartown community.

Calcagno ’21 and Somers ’21 have expanded their club in the past year.
Photo courtesy of Nick Calcango ’21

Featured Friar: Acklynn Byamugisha ’20

by Kyle Burgess on January 30, 2020


by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

Acklynn Byamugisha ’20 has certainly made her mark throughout her four years here at Providence College, whether it was with her constant organizing and running of campus-wide events, or meeting with her peers to develop new ideas for the Board of Multicultural Student Affairs (BMSA).

Byamugisha grew up in Camp Hill, PA, which is about six hours from Friartown. According to Byamugisha, “As a child, we moved all over the place, but a majority was spent in Camp Hill, PA. It’s a very small suburb with horse and buggies, Amish markets, and tons of farm land and is the complete opposite of where people think I am from.” It is safe to say that the city of Providence is much different than the small town Byamugisha originally grew up in.

Now the real question is, how did PC make it onto her radar and why did she choose this school? Byamugisha had always wanted a small liberal arts school far away from home so she could discover her independence and learn what things were like up north.

Byamugisha has definitely discovered her independence here, since she is very active at PC, where she studies health policy and management with a minor in black studies, and serves as the president of BMSA.

When asked why Byamugisha joined BMSA and how she discovered this club in the first place, she explained that when she visited PC as a high school senior, the BMSA office was where she first “flocked” to meet people. 

“I remembered it was filled with people laughing, cracking jokes, and I liked the atmosphere. When I learned about its devotion towards multiculturalism and the numerous clubs that were a part of this umbrella organization, I really wanted to be a part of it,” said Byamugisha. 

Because of this initial encounter, she found a club within BMSA that she felt resonated with her the most, leading to her engagement in Afro-Am exec her sophomore year. This immediately put her in BMSA.

Regarding her first BMSA meetings, she could tell something lacked, but it was early on and she had hope that things would change. Then, junior year, she became president of Afro-Am. According to Byamugisha, “BMSA got a bit better, but something was still missing. I decided that I wanted to do something about it, so I ran for president. And I realized what was missing, we needed a holistic family approach. Cohesiveness. And after incorporating this into the club this year, I genuinely have had the most fun and I tell them all the time I’m grateful to be president.” 

Byamugisha has brought a new approach to BMSA that has helped it to flourish and reach its full potential, allowing her to make a significant mark on the PC community.

Being the president of BMSA has shaped Byamugisha’s experience at PC for the better. Not only has being president of this club allowed her to make history, but she also says, “It has helped me with building character, owning the spaces I am in, and just being unapologetically proud of all the accomplishments made possible through this organization.” 

For Byamugisha, becoming president really was the “icing on the cake” for her, as it allowed her to be a part of this legacy that has shown her the impact of leadership and exposed her to experiences she would not have had the privilege of having without this position.

Despite all of Byamugisha’s success here at PC, there will be a time when she must start down her career path. When asked about her future plans, she said she will be receiving two Master’s Degrees from the University of Miami in Florida, one being in Public Health and the other in International Administration.

Byamugisha’s impact on PC and the BMSA community will not be forgotten, since her efforts have changed this organization for the better and helped her make history. However, her future is very bright, and she will continue impacting communities of people in her years to come, just as she has done here at PC.

Byamugisha enjoys singing in her spare time.
photo courtesy of Acklynn Byamugisha ’20

Taking the Temperature on Climate Change: ECOPC and BOP Co-Host Climate Crisis Discussion

by The Cowl Editor on November 21, 2019


photo courtesy of pixaby.com

by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

This past Thursday, November 14, the Environmental Club of Providence College and Board of Programmers joined forces to host the first ever “Climate Crisis: Let’s Talk” event. This much anticipated event took place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Fiondella Great Room, filled with about 150 students and delicious Knead donuts. 

Co-organized by Julia Murphy  ’21 and Kelly Martin  ’20, the event was a huge success, bringing together students from different majors and faculty from different departments to discuss the importance of climate change.

The event featured four sustainability speakers who each talked about their role in addressing the climate crisis and informed how the audience can help. 

Kicking the night off was Dr. Thea Riofrancos, assistant professor of political science at PC and author of the newly released book A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal. Dr. Riofrancos spoke about the Green New Deal and why we need a strong piece of environmentally-centered legislation with policies regarding climate change such as cutting carbon emissions.

The next speaker, Rachel Calabro, directed the discussion of climate change to a more local level, such as how these changes are affecting Rhode Island and its residents.

Calabro, the climate change outreach program director at the Rhode Island Department of Health, brought up how certain health-related effects, such as higher levels of asthma among children, has been one impact of the climate crisis on the people of Rhode Island.

Nicole DiPaolo, environmental organizer, activist, and poet, was another guest at the event. DiPaolo spoke about the importance of awareness regarding the role that big corporations play in the climate crisis. 

She also focused the audience’s attention on the importance of activism and imposing political pressure on elected officials, even reading a poem that she wrote that expressed the need for taking a stand against the climate change plaguing the earth.

Alex Duryea ‘17 finished up the speaker portion of the event. Duryea is currently working towards her masters degree in environmental science and management at the University of Rhode Island. 

She touched on ways to get involved at PC and the importance of connecting with outside groups to make a stand for the planet. As a PC graduate, Duryea was a great resource for students to ask any questions and to raise concerns they felt needed to be addressed.

Following the event, Murphy reflected on the night as a whole: “The turnout for this event was absolutely incredible. We are able to bring in people with ties to PC as well as people in the greater Providence areas to speak, engage with, and discuss an extremely important issue.” 

By holding this event at PC, Murphy, BOP, and ECOPC, were able to bring much-needed attention to the current climate crisis to students who may not have been as informed as they would like to be. 

Having attended the event, students now have a better grasp on what is going on in their home of Rhode Island, and through the rest of the world, and how they can help lessen its dangerous impacts.

Murphy went on to say, “Being able to co-sponsor with ECOPC was an awesome opportunity as well, and I hope that events like these can continue to raise awareness about this topic and inspire people to take action.”

Among the 150 students that attended this event was Madison Cohen ‘22, a global studies and sociology double major. Cohen attended the Climate Crisis Talk because she was eager to learn whatever she could about the climate changes occurring throughout the world. 

After attending the event, Cohen said, “Each speaker told me something I didn’t know before. I wasn’t aware of the Green New Deal, or even that fact that in Rhode Island asthma rates among children is higher than it’s ever been because of climate change. I’m happy I went because now I can spread the word and hopefully help make a difference.”

The “Climate Crisis: Let’s Talk” event was definitely a hit here at PC. With various sustainability speakers coming to speak, and a wide variety of students and faculty attending the event, ECOPC and BOP certainly reached their goals of informing the PC community on what is going on around the world regarding climate change and how we can each take steps to fix this vicious cycle.

Friar Flashback with Dr. Mario DiNunzio: An Unofficial History of PC From a Student-Turned-Professor

by The Cowl Editor on November 14, 2019


by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

Providence College takes pride in the fact that the Friar Family runs deep, meaning current and past students will always have a special place in their hearts for PC. Dr. Mario DiNunzio ’57, a history professor here at PC, is living proof of the impact can have on its past students.

DiNunzio graduated from PC in 1957 as an English major, after switching from a history major. After graduating from the College in 1957, DiNunzio claimed he did not plan on being a professor at all. He started as a radio announcer following college, but then decided to go to graduate school, earning a masters degree and PhD. It was attending graduate school that convinced him teaching was a good profession, causing him to return to his old stomping grounds at PC as a professor in 1960.

DiNunzio kick-started his teaching career as an American history professor, but when the Development of Western Civilization program began in 1971, he began to teach DWC, as well. 

Although DiNunzio has now been retired for 10 years, he continues to teach one class: an honors section of DWC. In this honors section, DiNunzio usually teaches the course alone or with one partner. Currently, for the fall 2019 semester, DiNunzio teaches his honors DWC course with Fr. David Stokes, O.P.

DiNunzio talked about how things have changed quite a lot since he was a student here. Back in the 1950s, PC was an all-boys school and the only dorm was Aquinas Hall. DiNunzio described the campus, saying, “The library was on the third floor of Harkins, the Dominicans lived on the fourth floor, the basement of Harkins was a gym. The dining hall was in a back room of the basement of Aquinas, and everyone stood around this table because there were no chairs.” Picture the campus ending where the Aquinas building is, and that would be the PC campus DiNunzio attended. 

Next to PC, there was a women’s reform school called the House of Good Shepard. What is now the president’s house was once the home of the nuns that ran this reform school, and Feinstein and Saint Joseph Hall were the school and dorm for women. According to DiNunzio, “A chain-link fence separated the girls from the boys, separating PC from the reform school.”

Having been in the PC community for over 50 years, DiNunzio has had his fair share of vivid memories, some he looks back on fondly, and others he looks back on with sadness. One very painful and tragic memory for DiNunzio was the fire in Aquinas in December of 1977. As the story goes, “Students had thrown a snowball party that day, and when they went back to dry off, apparently a hair dryer caught fire on the top floor.” Only the top floor caught on fire, but seven women passed away. DiNunzio recounts this day as the “saddest day in the history of the College.”

Despite having this painful memory, DiNunzio also has many exciting memories he will cherish forever. He has been able to witness the great changes that the school has undergone to transform PC into the school we know now. The biggest change for DiNunzio was going co-ed in 1971. “Enrollment had been declining, so we decided to go co-ed and that’s been the most positive change here, as women at PC have done a great deal to elevate the academic and social level of the college.” 

DiNunzio was a member of the faculty senate, and between the years of 1969-1971, the senate decided for the College to become co-ed, revising and revamping the curriculum in the process, ushering in the beginning of the Development of Western Civilization program. 

Another vivid memory for DiNunzio was the on-campus protests against the Vietnam War. “The students went on strike and the senate endorsed the student strike in protest of the Vietnam War right after students were killed at Kent State. Classes were canceled after the protest,” said DiNunzio.

When asked why he decided to stay here for over 50 years, he responded, “I love teaching. That’s why I kept doing it after retiring. I enjoy dealing with the students, classes, and seminars. Grading papers will always stay the worst part of what I do.”

Outside of PC, DiNunzio has two grandchildren, Eli (eight years old) and Zoe (two years old), who currently live in Washington, D.C. “They love coming to campus and going with their grandpa to class,” said DiNunzio. He hopes that one day they will follow in his footsteps and join the Friar Family when they begin to apply to colleges.

DiNunzio has been a member of the PC community since the 1950s, serving as an excellent professor and PC alum. Having dedicated almost 65 years to this school, he has been with the College through all of its ups and downs, good times and bad times, and improvements that make it the beautiful school we love and know today. 

One takeaway that any propsective student of Dr. DiNunzio should know is his famous saying,“Syllabi are largely works of fiction.”  

Dr. DiNunzio currently teaches honors DWC.
photo courtesy of mario dinunzio

Featured Friar: Ariel Tavares ’20

by The Cowl Editor on October 24, 2019


Tavares has loved all the friends she’s made through Friars Club. Photo courtesy of Ariel Tavares ’20.

by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

Whether it is organizing and working campus-wide events with the administration, finding ways to appeal and motivate different members, or meeting with her Executive Board in order to formulate ideas for student functions, Ariel Tavares ’20 knows firsthand the responsibilities that face a president of Friars Club.

Having grown up in Providence, RI, Tavares is no stranger to Providence College and the city that surrounds it. She even recalls, “I remember selling Girl Scout cookies to the women’s basketball team when I was younger.” From these experiences, Tavares developed a liking for PC, resulting in her eventual decision to attend school here.

Tavares is currently a double major in English and political science, with a minor in black studies. However, despite having a double major, being a Captain for the women’s rugby team, and having an internship, Tavares was not discouraged from running for president of this prestigious club. Positions for the Friars Club Executive Board are democratically-elected positions, but members still need to accept a nomination. 

When describing her election experience, Tavares felt both honored and blessed, stating, “To know members felt as though I can be a person they can trust not only with their time and effort, but to carry along the sacred traditions that make this club so unique, was so special.”

She admits feeling pressure being the first female black president but credits her amazing executive board for keeping both her and the club grounded in what matters.

Tavares first discovered Friars Club during the involvement fair of her freshman year. When describing her first involvement fair experience, she admits feeling homesick here as a freshman. 

“As a student of color, it can feel as if one does not have a defined place.” She put her name down at clubs hoping to find people and groups that would make her time here something more than she expected from a school she was reluctant to attend.

 “I remember there was a boy with a man bun in a white jacket, standing on top of the table encouraging people to sign up, so I just went over and put my name down.” Little did Tavares know this would be a pivotal moment in her career at PC. It was not long before she learned that this club did more than just give tours.

The best part about Friars Club to Tavares is that “I am able to serve the school, with people I love, for a mission I believe in. Students should tell their version of the PC story. It is so special to have this as a platform.” Tavares, through her extensive work in Friars Club, is able to make actual relationships with not just her peers, but also with members of the community. Serving as the president of Friars Club has been pivotal to her experience here at PC, allowing Tavares to  grow as a leader and individual.

Regarding Tavares’s future plans, she says, “I am excited to be somewhere different, continue relationships that have been so special to me here, and also make new ones. I am looking forward to the next step in my life.” Since Tavares has been in Providence for a majority of her life, she hopes to move to either Washington, D.C., Chicago, or New York to further her career and create more change.

Get Your Glow On: Glow Cafe and Juice Bar Now Accepting PC Cash

by The Cowl Editor on October 3, 2019


Glow Café offers a “Friar Pride Bowl” in honor of PC, and other açaí bowls. Nora Johnson ’20/THECOWL

by Julia Acquavita ’22

News Staff

This past week, Providence’s Glow Cafe and Juice Bar been accepting PC Cash as a form of payment. This is good news for Providence College students because now students will have delicious and fresh juices, smoothies, and açai bowls at the tips of their fingers.

 What makes this new deal even better is that the cafe is located at 389 Admiral St., which is within walking distance of PC’s campus. This makes it more convenient for students who have some free time between classes and want to refresh themselves with a healthy snack.

The founder of this cafe is Priscilla Edwards, who also happens to be the Associate Head Coach of the Providence College Women’s Basketball Team.

 Edwards’ mission is to provide her customers with nutritious drinks and foods so that everyone can appreciate the “power of nutrition.” The extensive menu consists of fresh juices, fruit or protein smoothies, and açai or smoothie bowls, all sold at affordable prices. 

According to the Glow website, Edwards started this cafe because she “wanted the Glow to be something healthy and delicious to our neighborhood. Something that would help unify and brighten our community.” Now that Edwards has offered PC Cash as a form of payment, more PC students are encouraged to take part in her mission and engage in the clean eating campaign on which she built her company.

Abbey Lee ’22, who walks to the Glow Cafe almost once a week, is thrilled about this new addition. Lee commented on the convenience of the proximity of the cafe, stating “I love how close it is to campus. My friends and I will just meet up after class on Fridays and walk right over.” 

One of the main reasons Lee enjoys going to this cafe is because of the efficient service provided by employees: “The service there is always so great. You are greeted with a smile the second you walk in, and they put their customers first. You place your order, and it’s ready in a matter of minutes.”

Lee’s favorite menu item at the Glow Cafe is the “Friar Pride Bowl,” consisting of a charcoal and fruit blend, topped with oreos, almonds, hemp seeds, and blueberries. “I love how the fresh fruits are mixed with the almonds. They blend it all together so nicely so it tastes so delicious,” says Lee. 

However, the Friar Pride Bowl is not the only smoothie bowl on the menu. There are other bowls such as the Classic Acai Bowl, the Coco Bowl, and the Greenie Bowl, each containing unique ingredients.

The Glow Cafe is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and closed on Sunday. Head on over to Admiral St. and take advantage of this new opportunity to use your PC Cash and buy yourself a refreshing drink! 

For more information, visit the Glow Cafe’s website, eatdrinkglow.com.

Friars Go All In for Peer Min: An Inside Look into PC’s Peer Ministry

by The Cowl Editor on September 12, 2019


Brooke Douglass ’21 jumping for joy at the peer ministry Come and See event.

by Julia Acquavita ’22

It is the beginning of the school year, which means there are plenty of groups and clubs across campus looking for new faces to be a part of their organization here at Providence College. One group on campus that is eager for new members to join is Peer Ministry.

Peer Ministry is one of the many faith-based clubs on PC’s campus, allowing students to foster a deeper connection with not only their peers, but with the Church and God as well. 

Through Peer Ministry, students are able to take part in activities that encourage self-reflection through prayer to God and communication with their peers.

Amal Mathew ’22, a first-year leader of Peer Ministry, described this club as the place “where faith meets college life.” Mathew expressed that Peer Ministry offers a unique experience for PC students where they can foster a transformative connection with God and deepen their faith even when at college. 

Meeting in small groups from six to 12 student participants and two Peer Ministers, an authentic Christian community is nurtured through prayer and conversation. 

Not many places provide the tools students need to maintain a religious lifestyle while at college. However, PC offers these tools to their students by highlighting the importance of a club like Peer Ministry. 

Mathew continued to describe this club as one that aims to use discussion as a means to find and cultivate a deeper relationship with God and other students at PC. 

In sharing experiences and engaging in meaningful conversations, students bridge campus life with the life of faith in the Catholic Church.

When asking Mathew how he got involved in Peer Ministry, he explained that he heard it “was an incredible way to make friends while simultaneously bearing witness to my faith in God.” 

Having had very helpful leaders last year as a freshman, he was inspired to pursue the same path and become more engaged in the club. By applying to be a Peer Ministry leader, he was one step closer to taking on a more prominent role. 

Mathew stated, “The sense of camaraderie I experienced during small-group meetings and the progress I made in my personal faith journey called me to share that with others.” These experiences led Mathews to pursue Peer Ministry on a deeper level.

Mathew reflected on the training he and his fellow Peer Ministry leaders took part in at the start of the semester. The training consisted of prayer and personal reflection, but also detailed the logistics of how to effectively coordinate and facilitate small groups as a peer minister. 

A key factor Mathew said he learned is that Peer Ministers must be attentive listeners who are able to create an environment where students feel comfortable expressing what is on their minds.

Mathew encourages this year’s group of freshmen and other returning PC students to get involved with Peer Ministry by joining a group, consisting of bi-weekly meetings, where students can engage in deeper communication that they would not necessarily have with their other friends. In this way, people of different class years, academic majors, and social and spiritual lives can come together to grow closer to God and to their faith as a whole. 

This program will provide students with the support system they never thought they needed, allowing them to build relationships they never thought they could have while in college.

This year, Peer Ministry hopes to emphasize that it is not just limited to small-group activities, but plans on hosting bigger events throughout the year with dates to be determined within the coming months. 

Also, for those who wish to get involved and sign up for a Peer Ministry group, the sign-up is available during any time of the year. The first round of meetings start in late September, but anyone can join at any point. For more information, stop by Campus Ministry in the lower level of St. Dominic Chapel or contact Molly White (mwhite18@providence.edu).