Tag: McKenzie Tavella ’18
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on April 26, 2018

Light Up the Great Room Fireplace
Maybe this is the wizard in me, but one of my favorite spots on campus is the Fiondella Great Room in the Ruane Center for the Humanities, or what is possibly better known as the Hogwarts room. However, as of late, this spot on Providence College’s campus has actually lost some of its magic because, for some reason, the fireplace is never lit anymore. Even during the fall semester when the weather was cold, flurries were in the forecast, and a snow day was on the horizon, the fireplace remained inactive.
To many PC students, this spot is more than just reminiscent of Hogwarts; it provides a sense of comfort and reminds students of their home. For those who get homesick, this can make someone’s day a bit brighter.
This is also a common study area for many students; for those who cannot decide amongst the more serious, we- mean-business library, or the more social Slavin Center, Ruane is that comfortable in-between spot. The lit fireplace keeps these study dwellers in cheery spirits.
Of course there is the opposing argument that the lit fireplace actually keeps students too comfortable and relaxed, causing them to become sleepy from the soothing warmth. To those I say, you always have the option of sitting someplace else. As far as I have heard, there have never been any complaints, nor incidents surrounding the Ruane fireplace. Therefore, the Friars need to be fired up!
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
The Importance of Saying Thank You
Since I began my freshman year, one of my favorite parts about Providence College has been the unspoken rule that “Friars hold doors.” I like this rule for so many reasons, but mostly because it speaks to the kind, welcoming community of students, faculty, and staff on the PC Campus. I have heard countless students talk about this “Friars hold doors” concept, either among themselves, on tours, or with prospective students. And maybe the best thing about this rule is that everyone actually follows it—even when it means you have to awkwardly jog towards a door that someone probably should have just let shut.
The only downfall to this PC custom is that it happens so frequently that it is almost expected. The result is that sometimes we forget to say thank you. But we need to make a more concerted effort not to forget. It is so important to remember that every act of kindness—no matter how big or small—merits a “thank you.”
A simple “thank you” to the person who holds the door for you or to the member of the Sodexo staff who hands you your plate of chicken nuggets in the dining hall on Thursday can go a long way. Especially as we approach the end of the year when stress is high and everyone is busy, perhaps we should all try to adopt another unspoken rule: Friars say, “Thank you.”
-Andrea Traietti ’21
Tangents & Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on March 15, 2018
The Importance of Keeping Cool(ey)
If there is one image that exhibits the stress Friar fans experienced watching the Big East Championship game last Saturday, it is Providence College Men’s Basketball Head Coach Ed Cooley ripping his pants. Whether you were watching in the world’s “most famous” arena or from your couch, there is no doubt that everyone was on the edge of their seats the entire time.
After the big win on Valentine’s Day, many felt confident that the Villanova University Wildcats would see the Providence College Friars as a major threat at Madison Square Garden. While it took some time for the Friars to catch up, we managed to surpass Villanova’s score towards the end of the second half.
In a stressful last couple of minutes, Cooley’s pants ripped. Despite this considerable wardrobe malfunction, Cooley was able to keep his cool. Before everyone even had time to process what just happened he had a towel tucked into his pants. He still paced up and down the court, focusing on the game as if there was no problem at all.
In light of this event, we should try to keep Cooley’s attitude in mind. If you feel disappointed in PC’s defeat, remember that the coach of our men’s basketball team managed to persevere in spite of unfortunate circumstances. We should focus on what is truly important—that we did not let Villanova win so easily, and that the Friars will be in the NCAA Tournament.
-Hannah Paxton ’19
Oh Snow! No Day Off?
Winter time in New England enchants students with the possibility of snow days. Even college students, weathered by years of disappointment with would-be blizzards that turned out to be light dustings, still get excited by the chance that rogue meteorologists can scare school administrators into cancelling classes.
Yet it would be much more beneficial for students if they just completely removed all expectations for snow days. Ever. As in: put away the snow-day calculator, stop checking the Weather app every three and a half minutes, do not wear your pajamas inside-out. It might seem fun or cute to obsess over just maybe having a snow day two Fridays from now, but you are really only setting yourself up for disappointment and misery each day you actually have school.
Think about it. You are just going to be sad and unhappy that you have to sit through classes each time school does not get called. But the opposite is true as well. If you never even consider the possibility of classes being cancelled, and one day, it suddenly is, imagine the joy and bliss that you will get to experience as you turn off the alarm on your phone, close your eyes, and drift slowly back to sleep. It feels like heaven.
Yet none of that good stuff is possible if you expect a foot of snow every third school day. So don’t worry about the weather. Just expect to be in class, and when you do not have to be, enjoy those extra of hours of bliss like they are a gift from the skies.
-Kevin Copp ’18
More Crosswalks On Campus
As struggling college students who scrape up change to buy another pack of microwavable ramen noodles, we have all made that joke about jumping in front of a car on PC’s campus to get our tuition paid for. However, this could become a real possibility if Providence College does not put in crosswalks and speed bumps on the roads near Raymond Dining Hall and the Ray and Aquinas housing dormitories.
Both the drivers and the pedestrians tend to stray from the rules of the road in this area of campus. Students walk everywhere on a college campus, especially on the streets that run through campus, despite traffic from cars. However, as there are few designated crosswalks in this specified area, students walk wherever and whenever they’d like, regardless of automobile traffic. This actually turns into a vicious cycle, as cars driving through campus often go much faster than they should. This combination can prove to be threatening to both sides.
Although no one has been severely injured as a result of the current set-up, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, more crosswalks would make students more likely to use them as they would not be going too far out of their way to reach them. In addition, speed bumps would force drivers to slow down. Placing these near each other would be especially helpful in making Providence College an even safer campus.
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
Abstain and Gain: the Benefits of Lent
by The Cowl Editor on February 15, 2018

by McKenzie Tavella ’18
Opinion Staff
As a Catholic institution, we recognize that many Providence College students observe Lent and have probably learned a thing or two about the religious season throughout the years. There are many traditions that people often overlook or even struggle with during this season, such as deciding what to give up. Attempting to follow these customs and avoiding these difficulties is both important and challenging.
Putting in effort and making the right choice can positively impact your life and others, especially on the Providence College campus, as there are many benefits to giving something up for Lent.
Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday. This means that this is the start of giving something up, if you choose to do so. Although it may seem like a loss on a surface level, giving something up can be a very humbling, effective, and meaningful experience.
Not only are you making a difference in your own life as a Catholic, but depending on what you choose to give up, you could make a difference in other people’s lives as well. For example, what if every student at PC gave up gossiping for Lent? Just imagine how much of a better a place campus would be. There would be less drama, less hurt, and less time spent on futile conversations.
Beyond doing this for others, give something up for yourself as well! To be completely honest, I always feel better about myself when giving something up for Lent. Even trying makes you feel good inside. This may sound self-absorbed, but at the end of the day, do you not want to like who you are? Therefore, giving something up for Lent will not only change the people around you, but who you are as well.
Of course there are always the choices that seem to have no meaning at all, such as chocolate or junk food, but even these options go a long way, as they are unhealthy. Giving something up that will encourage a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet is always a good idea. There are also the options of social media or alcohol, which are also healthy choices in their own way with regards to mental and physical well-being. Ultimately, you cannot go wrong.
There is also the option of making this decision based on religious significance. After all, it is the season of Lent. One option is to give up cursing, which is actually one of the Ten Commandments, asking to not take the Lord’s name in vain. Therefore, not only are you choosing something that could positively impact those around you and your individual persona, but this is also directly connected to Catholicism.
However, this does not mean that if you are not a Catholic, you cannot abide by the traditions of Lent. Giving something up during this season is a good idea for anybody, regardless of faith or religious affiliation. Helping others in any way you can is a custom we should all strive for, regardless of the time of year, as well. In fact, it may turn into a permanent change.
Most importantly, it is crucial that you put thought into this decision. Make sure it is realistic or something that will actually stick. Ask yourself if it is really doable for you or something you are going to give up for two weeks and then call it quits.
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on February 2, 2018

Trump: Think Before Speaking
During the 45th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., President Trump completely misspoke before a crowd of pro-life advocates.
What began as a standard, run of the mill anti-abortion speech took a turn for the worse when Trump went careening far off script and said, “Right now, in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong, it has to change.” A woman standing behind him nodded in agreement.
Media outlets bubble wrapped the gaffe, claiming what Trump meant to say was that it is wrong for women to undergo third trimester abortions.
There is no doubt he meant to say something different, but this slip up is not an isolated incident for Trump, and reinforces the fact that he will speak utter nonsense without batting an eye.
Some people say that Trump is unfit to be president because he exhibits signs of one mental illness or another. This is an inappropriate and insufficient case against him.
President Trump is simply incompetent, stumbling from one hiccup to the next. And while misspeaking is forgivable, failing to correct oneself after this kind of mistake is not. This reveals something truly worrying: in President Trump’s eyes, he really is a “very stable genius” who can make no mistakes, no matter how obvious they may be.
-Lela Biggus ’18
Make PC Pet-Friendly
As the owner of two golden doodles, I have found that one of the hardest things about returning to campus after winter or summer break is leaving my pets behind. Coming across a dog on campus and getting those few minutes of playtime are the highlight of my week.
Although this is a treat, many animal-loving students could feel this happy all the time if Providence College were made a pet-friendly campus.
Certain universities have designated buildings where pets such as fish, cats, and small dogs can reside. Of course, this amenity comes with strict rules and regulations that the owner must follow.
However, more and more campuses are allowing animals to live on-campus. Starting next year, Johnson and Wales University will be piloting on-campus, pet-friendly communities in three different residence halls. Some of the rules include designated-areas, only allowing one pet, dogs no more than 40 pounds, only certain breeds allowed (i.e. no German Shepherds, Pitbulls, Akitas), and a minimum age of one year old.
Although not everyone is a pet-person, it is not fair to take away this possibility altogether for those who are. College is an opportunity for students to become independent; having your own pet would only promote this in college students.
In addition, we have seen how great animals are for morale, such as when the barnyard animals visit campus during times of stress (i.e. midterms and finals). If we had this kind of companionship full-time, it could decrease stress levels overall. Ultimately, pets could help improve students’ mental health on-campus at the College.
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
More Diversity in Hollywood
The 2018 Oscar nominees prove to be a step in the right direction for representation in Hollywood.
The nominees were more diverse in nature with Greta Gerwig becoming the fifth woman to be nominated for Best Director and Jordan Peele becoming the fifth black director to be nominated for the same prize. Rachel Morrison is also the first woman to be nominated for Best Cinematographer for her work in Mudbound.
Amid an award season steeped in controversy, the nominees show signs of progress. Today, it can sometimes seem as though people are more divided than they are connected. The representation of more perspectives in the media, however, can prove to be therapeutic. As new voices are introduced, an opportunity is created to increase communication and empathy among all people through the sharing of art.
There is still room for improvement. While Guillermo del Toro, a Mexican director, received a nod in his category, there are still few Latino and Hispanic nominees. Likewise, Pakistani writer and actor Kumail Nanjiani received a nomination for his screenplay, The Big Sick, but there is still a need for more Asian voices to be heard. As the film industry changes, it will be exciting to see more voices being shared.
-Gabrielle Bianco ’21
Independent Studies: A Unique Learning Opportunity
by The Cowl Editor on January 25, 2018

by McKenzie Tavella ’18
Opinion Staff
It is hard to believe that I have gone nearly my entire college career without taking or even knowing about one type of course. My friend changed the course of my college career when she turned to me and uttered two words: “independent study.”
Providence College defines an independent study as academic work chosen or designed by the student with the approval of the department concerned, under an instructor’s supervision, and usually undertaken outside of the regular classroom structure.
After learning more about independent studies and personally experiencing them, I truly see the value in this alternative to a regular course. Independent studies should be a part of every student’s college experience.
There are many reasons why each student should take an independent study while attending college. It is typically one-on-one—just the professor and the student. For some, this may seem intimidating; however, it is also extremely beneficial because this structure is more reflective of the real world. When you are going on a job interview or having a weekly meeting with your boss, the skills you learned in your independent study will come in handy. Additionally, the focus will be all on you at all times, therefore there is no dawdling or “zoning out;” you must be attentive and alert constantly.
Beyond the one-on-one set-up, the independent study is also very representative of how a student’s life will be outside of college. There are no rubrics or guidelines in the real world. Rather, you simply get an assignment from your boss, and then must carry it out as you see fit.
In an independent study, you have a weekly meeting with your professor, where you typically give them an update on your progress and discuss the next steps. It is your vision driving the progress, not your professor’s. Similarly, in a professional environment, once your assignment is finished, you will either pass or fail. Either your boss will like it, or he or she will not.
Ultimately, an independent study is a practice run for your career after graduation. As a senior, I am immersing myself in an environment that can only help me.
It is more “outside” work, but it is less time inside a classroom, providing for a more open schedule. This effort spent on going to class is used for more productive reasons, such as making progress on your semester-long, in-depth assignment.
If there is anything you can take out of this article, it is not only an awareness of independent studies, but also an amazing opportunity to further your knowledge, and gain practical experience.
Therefore, I encourage everyone to try and take an independent study on a topic of their choice with a professor who sparks their interest before graduating from Providence College.
Post-College Plans: It’s Okay Not to Know
by The Cowl Editor on November 30, 2017

by McKenzie Tavella ’18
Opinion Staff
Adults are always telling me, “Keep your options open,” but it seems like on Thanksgiving this advice goes right out the window. Even before I was a senior, I got asked the dreaded question, “So what do you plan on doing after you graduate?”
Now, if you are like me, you did not go into college knowing you had a calling to be a doctor or a lawyer, or any profession for that matter. I did not even know I wanted to major in psychology until my sophomore year. I am here to tell you that it is okay not to know. The not knowing may be scary and cause a few awkward moments at the Thanksgiving dinner table, but those adults were right—we should keep our options open and here is why.
Committing yourself to a five-year plan or a specific job, as your aunt and uncles practically pressure you into having, can actually be limiting. Why would you want to stay inside this box or stick exactly to the picture you have painted of what you want your life to be? Not only is this unrealistic, but it is also going to hurt you in the long run.
I am not saying do not have any kind of plan, but please do not waste your time crafting up a five-year one. I initially thought that as a psychology major, going to graduate school was my only option, the only path available. However, I realize now that my road has many forks in it. You could go to graduate school later in life, and first apply to a bunch of different types of jobs where psychology would be useful, such as a human resources representative.
Beyond limiting yourself, you also run the risk of not meeting your expectations, or the expectations of your family and anyone else you told your plan to. Say your plan is to go to graduate school, get a job and move to New York City, sharing an apartment with friends so you can afford it. You did not get into graduate school and one of your roommates backed out. Now what? You may be able to rectify this before it ruins your long-term plan, but if not, you are going to be beyond disappointed in the situation and in yourself. Expect the unexpected. It is nearly impossible to plan that far ahead, so why waste your time, stress, and effort on this?
Not only are these conversations not very constructive, but they also cause more harm than good. It only adds immense pressure and stress to your plate at a time when you should be enjoying your final months of being in college and focusing on passing final exams. I have a biopsychology exam coming up. Yet all I could think about after Thanksgiving dinner was, “Oh my God, maybe I should have applied to graduate school when I had the chance.”
This conversation takes away from the joy of seeing your family and friends during Thanksgiving. I wish aunts and uncles would ask about any fun events you went to this semester or how you plan to enjoy your winter break. Even though this may be an unrealistic dream, it is still possible to have a successful life without having a fool proof plan after graduation.
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on November 16, 2017

Is Thanksgiving Really a Break?
With bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-95 stretching endlessly into the horizon, last year’s Thanksgiving break was already off to a poor start. A symphony of car horns and angry New York drivers blared outside my car window, yet home was still hours away.
Once I pulled into my driveway, my jam-packed backpack slammed into the side of my car’s trunk, living proof that rest was a ways away. Instead of rushing inside to spend time with my family, I hauled my backpack to my room, plopping a mountain of books and papers onto my desk.
After spending a little time relaxing with my family, it was back to my desk, typing away at a paper that should have never been assigned. So much for a “break” from the busy semester.
With finals week fast approaching and semester burnout setting in with a vengeance, homesick freshmen and overworked upperclassmen deserve a real Thanksgiving break.
Yet every semester, a few well-meaning professors assign plenty of work over the holiday, trapping students at their desks. In fact, this especially hurts students who live far away from Rhode Island, as many have not seen their family and hometown friends since August.
Let students escape the onslaught of papers and exams for a weekend. Let them enjoy food, family, and Thanksgiving football.
-Nicholas Moran ’19
Eleven Thrives in Chapter Seven
Fans of the popular Netflix original series Stranger Things binge-watched the second season faster than you could say, “Justice for Barb.” The nine-episode arc, which was released on Oct. 27, received rave reviews from fans and critics alike. Eighties references and Steve Harrington’s hair aside, one episode is highly disputed by viewers. The episode “Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister,” explores the character of Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) and her relationship with Kali (Linnea Berthelsen), another girl with supernatural powers.
Some critics have called the episode a “filler” as it neglects other established story lines to focus solely on Eleven and Kali. While the episode’s relationship with the rest of the season is questionable, it is important in Eleven’s development as a strong female character. The Duffer Brothers, the creators, writers, directors, and producers of the show, have defended their choice, saying it was necessary for the storyline of Eleven: “Eleven is trying to figure out where she belongs in this world…Basically, it’s her looking for a home.”
Despite significant progress, women still often have one-dimensional roles in the media. Chapter seven allows viewers to see Eleven’s dynamic nature as she shifts from a naïve “freak” to a heroine with morals, flaws, and a self- assured strength. This transformation is a great example of a female character who is not static.
Likewise, it shows how a girl can be the driving force of a compelling storyline. Additionally, the distancing of Eleven from her usual male companions helps to illustrate the point that a female character can evolve without the help of men. Although it might seem random, chapter seven shows another step in the right direction for women on television.
-Gabrielle Bianco ’21
PC Needs More Art
I am going to take us a few weeks back for a second and talk about Calabria Plaza. Do you realize that this is really the only work of art around the Providence College campus we have on display, besides religious statues?
It is time for a change. PC should be a community that celebrates all kinds of art. It is clear that we are a Dominican campus, but other art forms should be represented in some way. It is time for us to have a statue of a strong independent woman who reflects our beliefs and is on the right side of history, such as Rosa Parks.
This really could be an opportunity to express different cultures, beliefs, and values that bring our campus closer together. Beyond statues, paintings and murals are also great forms of artistic expression.
We have walls filled with black and white photos of our basketball players, hockey players, and many other sports teams. Even though this expresses our strong school spirit, there is more to life than that!
There are plenty of paintings and statues in both Harkins and Ruane, and it would be great to see this kind of art all over campus.
How about we do a mural of our current students to celebrate togetherness and community?
These are only a few ideas that could go a long way in showcasing the arts, while also celebrating Friartown. We are currently making so many changes to our campus, and I think this should be added to the agenda. Sorry to add more to your to-do list, PC.
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on November 9, 2017

Marathon Brings Nation Together
During a time when division and disunity seem to infiltrate all forms of media and dominate our lives, we often overlook the events that bring our nation and the world together.
This past Sunday, over 50,000 runners toed the start line of the 47th TCS New York Marathon, ready to begin their 26.2 mile journey.
As one of the largest marathons in the world, this international event brings people together from countries all over the world to run through the boroughs of our nation’s melting pot city.
Before the elite runners took off from Staten Island, race director Peter Ciaccia poignantly described the significance of the event, exclaiming, “Today, the spirit of humanity takes center stage and the spirit of humanity has no borders, only start lines.”
In light of last week’s attacks on NYC—and the numerous violent tragedies we have seen streamed across the news this year—events like the NYC marathon and others are hopeful reminders to everyone of the spirit of humanity.
This spirit still prevails in the strides of every runner, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, religion, etc. And despite the tragedies and hate that fill the world, we can still find unity and strength in recognizing the resilience and positivity of the thousands of people who come together every year to prove themselves on this difficult course.
-Sarah Kelley ’18
Never Fear, Basketball Tickets Are Still Here
Basketball is back at Providence College. This week marks the beginning of the 2017 Men’s Basketball season, and an exciting time for all Friar Fans.
The soccer games have been a great way to take a break from homework, show your support, and spend a few hours outside with friends, yelling out at bad calls and cheering whenever the Friars get a goal.
But basketball is a core part of Friartown, and this year, there is the dilemma that student season passes are all sold out. I myself lost track of time and tried to buy tickets later than normal but was disappointed to hear this news.
There is still hope, though! You can purchase tickets at the Dunkin’ Donuts center at each game or online.
This Friday, November 10 at 7 p.m., there is a game in Alumni Hall, and the student tickets are only four dollars.
However, if you want to go, make sure to get a jump on it because there are only a limited amount of students tickets sold per game.
So, even though you may have missed out on a great deal with the season passes, do not let this stop you from being a fellow Friar.
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
Change Discussion on Sexual Assault
The boost in response to sexual assault on social media after the allegations filed against producer Harvey Weinstein is a promising reaction to the long-silenced issue of sexual violence against women. With the recent restoration of the #MeToo campaign, women worldwide have had the opportunity to speak out about their horrific experiences ranging from harassment to overt violence.
However, the way the media frames the perpetrators of such unspeakable exploitation hinders the progress we are making. The Internet’s response to recent accusations against House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey is particularly concerning, as there appears to be a greater focus on the end of his career instead of the condemnation of his crimes.
When searching “Kevin Spacey” online, we find that nearly every article will briefly mention his misbehavior while the majority of the focus is on the consequences House of Cards will face as a result of his dismissal.
Men in entertainment who are convicted of assault tend to be regarded with sympathy, as their actions ultimately result in losing their career. Meanwhile, the victim of the violence is either unknown or ignored, and is rarely given the same attention in the media as his or her abuser.
In addressing incidents of sexual assault, it is important not only to identify the perpetrator, but to treat him or her as such. While Spacey has been punished, the attitude towards his behavior should not change.
-Hannah Paxton ’19
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on October 26, 2017

Stop Sexualizing Female Halloween Costumes
What are we trying to tell our girls?
When you are a child, Halloween is about costume parades, trick-or-treating, and haunted houses with friends.
For girls, at some point, they hit an age where that all changes. Halloween becomes about sex and revealing as much of yourself as possible until you are considered “too old” to dress like that.
We have become conditioned to believe that this is just “how it is.”
This is the year 2017, and women have made so many strides in our country. We nominated our first female presidential candidate last year, and we have seen more women in leadership positions this year than ever before.
Even in our Providence College community, for the first time in history Student Congress is run by an all-female executive board.
Despite this evident and continuous growth, when it comes to Halloween, it seems we have made no progress at all.
Type in “adult female costumes,” and what do you see? The images speak for themselves. Every costume seems to have “sex” slapped all over it.
There is not an option to just be a cat as an adult, you must be a “naughty” cat. You cannot just be a nurse, you must be a “sexy” nurse. Do not even get me started on the superheroes, because if you are not a half-naked female superhero, you might as well not be one in the first place.
Why do we continue to sexualize and objectify women through this innocent holiday and when will it stop?
-Kelsey Dass ’18
Ruane Café Needs an Express Line
As students rush to their morning classes, many try to make a stop at the Ruane Café Starbucks to fuel their hectic day. Yet every morning, the line snakes endlessly through the hallway, moving at a snail’s pace.
Even those with 10 minutes to spare are eventually forced to leave for class, so the café loses business and the students walk away frustrated. While long lines in the morning will always be a nuisance, complicated espresso drinks unnecessarily prolong the wait.
Caramel macchiatos and cappuccinos take minutes to make, holding up the line as others desperately need to get to class. Yet ordering a plain hot or iced coffee takes seconds, since all the barista has to do is hand you a cup.
Ultimately, Starbucks can easily avoid this problem by creating an express line for simple coffee drinks. Suddenly grabbing a coffee on the way to class would be possible, as complex drinks would no longer bring the line to a halt.
Now students in a rush can bring their business, and those with time to spare can wait for their drinks in a longer line. Most importantly, the fix is incredibly easy. An additional line would boost efficiency, leave students happy, and allow more cash to pour into the cash register. A win-win.
-Nicholas Moran ’19
Registration 101: A Student’s Perspective
It is that time of year again. No, not fall, or midterms, or being sick. I am talking about the dreaded course registration. Here are a few pointers that will help regardless of your graduating year.
The first thing you want to know is that you cannot prepare too early. Even though registration is in the middle of November, start planning now. Why? There is such a thing as pre-registration, where you are able to get into classes ahead of time according to your declared major. This is a life-saver.
Secondly, I am sure you have heard this one before, but have a ton of back-ups because there is no guarantee that you will get into any of these classes. Next, make an appointment with your advisor as soon as possible. It makes the process a lot less stressful, and that is how you get your ALT pin and pre-registration form.
During registration, the PC Secure Wi-Fi is really slow and busy because everyone else is using it too. Here is a trick: on an iPhone, there is a “Personal Hotspot.” Whenever you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, you can use this and it will allow you to have Internet access on your computer. Yes, it does take up data, but you will only be using it for a few minutes and it is well worth the cost.
Lastly, another tip is to register alone. I know it is fun to share the pain and tears with your roommates when you do not get into the classes you wanted, but this will make your connection worse. Get up early and go to a quiet spot like the Ryan Center or Slavin.
Follow these tips, and your registration will go much better. Good luck!
-McKenzie Tavella ’18
Tangents and Tirades
by The Cowl Editor on October 5, 2017

Political Plays: NFL Protests Provoke Discussions of Liberty
When Colin Kaepernick sat during the national anthem at the first 2016 preseason game for the 49ers, no one noticed. It was not until the third preseason game, when Kaepernick began kneeling, that his actions began to garner attention.
What began as a quiet, individual protest 13 months ago has exploded into a national controversy. On Sunday, Sept. 24, over 200 NFL players kneeled, sat, or linked arms as a sign of solidarity following what some players and team owners have called “divisive” comments by President Trump.
Across the nation, the actions of the players have sparked heated debate; some view the protest as un-American and disrespectful to our country and the men and women who defend it, while others hail the movement as a crucial step towards addressing problems of injustice in America.
Right now, with the national anthem protest gaining more speed and attention, Americans must remember that a protest of this sort is completely constitutional, protected under the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Now more than ever, we must recognize this right for those on both sides of the debate.
While those who view the kneeling as disrespectful are completely justified in and entitled to their opinions, the players and their supporters are just as justified in their reasons and rights to protest. The fact that this protest has become so intense is proof not of our differences, but that we can all find common ground in our commitment and willingness to fight for what we believe America should stand for.
This movement is a way to start a discussion about justice in America, but when we continue to allow single-minded bitter opinions to define us, we fail to take this opportunity to better our country.
-Andrea Traietti ’21
Make the Move: Utilize Personal Counseling Center
We have just persevered through our fifth week of the Fall 2017 semester at Providence College. With a total of 15 weeks in the semester, we are now just over a third of the way through. Right now, the first wave of tests and presentations has arrived.
Therefore, it is inevitable that the emotional meltdowns and episodes of exhaustion are taking hold.
Do not feel like you are alone in this; not only do you have the company of fellow students, but the counseling center on campus is a great resource. No harm or shame can come from scheduling an appointment or two.
As a psychology major, one topic we are currently discussing in my personality class is the effect of communicating with someone out loud. Let me tell you, therapy is not a big hoax for money. Talking works!
Located in Bedford Hall, the Personal Counseling Center at the College is a place you can go even if you just need a minute of silence or to catch your breath.
If you are not ready or comfortable making an appointment, just sit in the lobby and play with the zen garden. The staff will happily give you water or tea to help calm yourself while you sit and relax.
There is also a plethora of helpful books in a mini-library section that you can request to borrow and read on your own time.
Next time you are outside of Bedford Hall, just take it into consideration.
-McKenzie Tavella ’18