Tag: rain
For Growing up in Rain
by Max Gilman '25 on December 6, 2022
Portfolio Co-Editor

For grinded-teeth car rides; For growing up.
For being beaten into pavement; To prove a point.
For oily cat piss stains beneath the bed; For abandonment.
For coins and green paper; To live in a shadow.
For low-tide seas; For a shiny shell that breaks in a year.
Litter lent my nose the scent nostalgia
The other day and I refuse to see it pass,
But cometh the wind—
Cometh change,
Immortal is the fleeting day.
For weathered forehead scars; For fathers.
For ibuprofen bottles; To kill an ache.
For peeled orange slices; For open skies.
For confined education; To warp a nation.
For teaching gender; For control.
For suns that set orange, on shady beach sides
For love beneath umbrellas, that fades, but never dies.