Category: Features

Listomania: Other ways Ray could have listened

Move the pizza again (it’s messing with my feng shui) Bring back the panini station Give me iced tea or give me death Paint it in a neoclassical style Carpet all of Ray (and I mean all of it) Have every menu curated by Paul Rudd Get Ray onto [insert Food Network show here] Make […]

Connor Zimmerman

Tiff and Earl

Dear Tiff and Earl, I was late to my class one morning, and when I arrived there were no seats in the room. I had to sit in the corner next to the professor by myself like a fool. What are some ways that I can get to class faster? Sadly, Flat-footed Fred   Dear […]

Connor Zimmerman

Listomania: Things that I learned last semester

Mint Juul pods are illegal  I cannot responsibly manage my money (or Friar Bucks)  They lied to me on the tour about Ray Men’s basketball will never be able to hit their free throws I paid $5k for a class that I skipped 23 times I can get mono really easily (my mama always said […]

Connor Zimmerman

Tiff and Earl

Dear Tiff and Earl, I had so much down time over winter break that I started pondering the meaning of the universe and now I’m having a quarter-life crisis. I think I want to drop out of school and move to an igloo in Alaska. Thoughts? Sincerely, Wannabe Hermit    Dear Hermie,  Unless you can […]

Connor Zimmerman

Friartire: Beware the Fruit Cakes! (And other Holiday Treats)

by Lil Elf ’21 It’s that time of year again.  There is an unquantifiable amount of glorious aromas emitting from the oven (or maybe it’s just a candle).  With the Christmas season inevitably comes the Christmas goodies.  However, some people are victims to the less-than-tasty treats.  Although the good most certainly outweigh the bad, the […]

The Cowl Editor

Listomania: Festivus Airing of the Grievances

Not having chicken in the alumni salads Alumni closed on Sundays (we will not be silenced) The elevator being down in DiTrag for 3 weeks Late Thanksgiving When the app says that a washer is available but it’s not Seeing ads for all 20 democratic presidential candidates Peter as the new Bachelor (Mike deserved better) […]

The Cowl Editor

Listomania: Festivus Airing of the Grievances

Not having chicken in the alumni salads Alumni closed on Sundays (we will not be silenced) The elevator being down in DiTrag for 3 weeks Late Thanksgiving When the app says that a washer is available but it’s not Seeing ads for all 20 democratic presidential candidates Peter as the new Bachelor (Mike deserved better) […]

The Cowl Editor

Tiff and Earl

Dear Tiff and Earl,  I was hired to write a new Hallmark movie and am out of ideas. What clichés should I use? Merrily, Clueless at Christmas   Dear Clueless,  Forget the clichés. Doesn’t anyone ever wonder what happened to that guy that the girl was supposed to marry but then realizes he isn’t right […]

The Cowl Editor

Life at its Best

by Connor Christuk ’21 – Creative Writing Contest Honorable Mention How important is a moment? It all depends on if it’s your last A moment among many is not much, For a moment can only be so fast. But if that moment were happy, Would it mean so much more? Do we exist to be […]

Sarah D Kirchner

Life at its Best

by Connor Christuk ’21 – Creative Writing Contest Honorable Mention How important is a moment? It all depends on if it’s your last A moment among many is not much, For a moment can only be so fast. But if that moment were happy, Would it mean so much more? Do we exist to be […]

The Cowl Editor