Dear Tiff and Earl, My professor cold calls during lectures. How can I avoid this? Signed, Anxious Dear Anxious, The best defense is a good offense. Cold call your professor and grade his responses on the spot. Cheers! Tiff Hey Anxious! Here’s a tip: drop the class. No more cold calling, and maybe instead of […]
The Wedding Planner 10 Things I Hate About You The Proposal The Notebook When Harry Met Sally Silver Linings Playbook A Cinderella Story Bridget Jones’s Diary Love Actually Valentine’s Day Groundhog Day Clueless To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
Dear Tiff & Earl, Syllabus week is rough. How do I stop myself from going on a bender with my roommates? Sincerely, Brad’s #1 Fan Hey Brad’s #1 Fan! My advice would be to stay in with your roommates and catch up after the break. Save the bender for when you have something to celebrate, […]
Toothbrush Winter coat Shoes Phone and laptop charger iPad with all my notes on it Pillow House keys and ID Motivation My handwriting Social cues
Best Acts of Kindness for the Holiday Season Hold the door for a fellow Friar Donate old toys, books, or clothes Bake cookies for your friends Pick up litter Go to your professors’ office hours Buy coffee for the person behind you in line Do the dishes for your roommates Give your professor a holiday […]
Dear Tiff and Earl, I want to give Ed Cooley a holiday present. What should I give him? Sincerely, Ed Cooley’s #1 Fan Hey Ed Superfan! I heard that a coach’s favorite present is the win he gets off the court. Show coach Cooley some holiday spirit and consider showing your Friar giving spirit by […]
Mom and Dad, thank you for believing in me and supporting my love for writing. I love you both so much! Megan B. I’m thankful for one of our lovely UG2 workers in Davis, Vita. Thank you for everything you do, your work and your kindness do not go unnoticed. Kate W. To Gil […]
Best Study Tips For Finals Go to your professors’ office hours Don’t procrastinate Drink water Meet up with friends from your class Leave your phone off while studying Get lots of sleep! EAT (Nutrition is key!) Go to the library and steal someone’s area in the quiet corner Don’t put too much pressure on yourself […]
Yo Tiff and Earl, I forgot to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday for my family and friends. What should I do? Sincerely, Last-Minute Shopper Hey Last-Minute Shopper, If you walk down the street to the Dollar Tree, you can find some great last-minute gifts at a reasonable price! You can get as many […]
Things To Do To Make Yourself Feel Accomplished (Besides Running A Marathon) Submitting an essay Crossing things off a to-do list Sticking to a New Year’s Resolution Hitting 10K steps every day Making your bed in the morning Finishing a water bottle Getting out of bed Showering Getting an interview/job offer Actually showing up to […]